Thursday, December 29
its been a long time since i last blogged. arhahar. really long time. just felt toOo tired to blog. being immersed in work. arhaar. sucks the life out of me. cause even on the 14th this month, when Mr Jang came down to Singapore, arharhar. I didn't even came down here to blog. all i can say, december has passed me by like a passing wind. arhahar. before i know it, december is already coming to an end. from the time he came, or afew weeks before he came, it was all packed up. arhahar. with projects. after coming back from cebu, or should i say from the preparations of the cebu trip till skool reopened and till now. time has seriously passed me by.
Some habits has already been a change. arhahar. for one thing. i'm not hanging out on the forum boards as i used to. somehow work has been the factor. after Dong Gun oppa came, it was revision week already and then the term tests and then it ended. and now here i am having my one week of term break. i bet its just gonna get more packed. and my resolutions arharhar. after the term break comes is to wake myself up. big time.
actually nothing much in particular just will be worried about fridays, darn bout fridays when skool opens cause someone is bearing a grudge against me. pretty helpless about it. it was then i realised dat ahrahrar. seriously i've been having good teachers who were really nice. arharhar. now i appreciated them. [since mr kok yeow. my database info. sys. cher] arhahar. he's one teacher that i respect tons. hee. he's like a "daddie" to everyone. arhahar. very anything. but you really appreciated him towards the end of the semester. but anyways. its one of my resolutions. i'm soOo not gonna let her pick on me anymore. argh. *bites*
i'm like still trying to play catch up with time and arhahar. i know i haven't been blogging much cause i think last time when i last blogged. i wasn't able to hit the keys as fast as i do now. arhhar. times has changed. tad of me still remains and tad of me has changed. arhhar. all i know i feel a sense of change in me since da trip. arhahar. could be the focus has kind of changed significantly. arharhar. learnt alot of things. see alot of things. realised alot of things.
The desires in the wants and needs in life suddenly arhahar. seem not that important but some hopes to do more one day has come upon me. arhrahar. hope to be back in cebu if i can. then the question will pop in my head. [oei. singapore kids dun wanna help ar. only help overseas kids?] arharhar. maybe dream of going to east timor. or somewhere indonesia. arharhar. go feel what is it like to be there and being immersed in their lives. their culture. and speak more indon! arharhar. fun.
Things i wanted becomes a aiya. have then ok. dun have forget it. arharhar. but for all i noe. in everything i have. are blessings from the one up there. To not forget to give thanks to God for the blessings he have blessed me with. and most importantly as i reflect on the year that has passed me by, is to thank God for the strength that He has instilled in me. as much as anything is nearer. God is much nearer if u just want to reach out ur hands and voice to him. His continual touch in my life makes Him soOo real. i cannot deny Him, in His works, that He is in my life. i stray, i walk. but never too far from Him. That drawing power He has. I still stand amazed at Him. For one great thing i learnt, was to finally understand what it was to really break down with prayers for that one person you have in mind. feel the atmosphere which touches you. You're being heard was the comforting thing.
so many things i want to say. but arharhar. fatigueness when the time of the day has come. i feel like just heading to bed and sleep. arharhar. somehow this has been the feeling when there's no agenda to do, is to snuggle in my bed and just sleep. but i still must say this. arhahar. as i reflect. on top of the spiritual side of me. what about the personal side. the human side of me. arhahar.
basically no time to think much as to what that has been occupied on my mind lets say months and months before. arharhar. it suddenly became not soOo important. though the only person or should i say memories remain in me. ahahar. he has become a mere memory. when you finally learnt the meaning of. "letting go" arhahar. yes. it was one of the best things that has happened cause in order for new things to come, old things have to go lar. but arhahar. i opened up my eyes. aharhar. How jerks-y some guys can be. i thought i lost hope in them. arharhar. i thought only girls went for guys riches. arharhar. i was soOo soOo wrong. arhahar. but you noe wad's the best part. i ain't that rich either. arhhar. puaharhar. there's more than meets the eye. thankful it was an end before things got much worse. arharhar. for a moment. I THOUGHT there appeared. Phew. arhrhar. chill. arharhar. no rush rush!
Just then i thought that was it. I'll just wait for him. arhahar. apparently that "he" did appear. but argh. arhahar. fate has it that we met. our paths crossed but that was as far as that. arharhar. i always had that facsination of him whenever he talks. i like standing from afar and watch him work. that serious look. arhahrar. the knowledge and the things that he taught me with. arhahar. cannot forget. [folding properly clothes + pants] arhahar. i still have those skills with me. and i continually to fold shirts the way i did. i'll still smile. hmm. arhahrar. whenever the shirt sits folded nicely. he's coOL cause of his manners. as wad Dong Gun oppa says. "the beauty of a man lies in his manners". arhrahar. yeah yeah. think of everything. yes. it is his beauty. [and erm. its Dong Gun + Min Jong oppa's beauty on top of their killer looks + smiles] but yes. there stands the charisma that when a guy has their manners or what nots. somethings are there and there. you just can't miss. you just can't hide!
Anyways, enough bout the HIMs. arhhar. i see tons of guys. where some ppl might be thinking i must be obssessed. arharhar. just thankful for the moments and times we had working together. arhahar. and *erm hmm* meal times. Whoot. i thought that was quite a cruel joke for a moment that fate has played on me. but take it in your stride. hey. it ain't that bad. arharh. =) least u got impressed and fascinated by someone. arhahar. =p
as for now. arhahar. not much time left for me to allow my mind to wander. but with occassional dreams arharhar. spent on the 2 favourites. arhahar. nephew. God. mom. here and there. skool has taken up my entire mind. arhhar. half of this sem can be really tiring. but hey. arhhar. its during this time when we built on stronger friendships and bonds. one solid beloved i found. arhahar. was ashley. arharhar. i just think how similar at times the "experiences" we can share. and to really believe that "every family has their own stories". as we shared and bunked on each other to get thru trying killing semesters. arhahar. bring on your work experiences with your group mates. add both of our grp experiences. arharhar. from pleasant working ppl to "leechers" arhahar. funny. poly life hasn't been that happening eh. arhahar. *winks** its been a hell of a ride. arharhar. it happens only once! =p its been nevertheless another great year that i've been blessed with.
i feel old. arhahar. as i see the big 20 coming. arhhra. eeEee. i noe i'm gonna be 19 but arhhar. 21 is coming. and life is gonna pass you by at the wink of the eye. that's one of the pre-belief i have in my head. arharhar. looking at past experiences like seein how fast Mr Jang + Kim has groown. erm. its really fast. if you look at their young videos to their current ones. it all really seems yesterday. which kind of makes it scary. boys to men. arharhar. yes. and when everyone in their coming 30s tell you it is fast. you can't help not imaging its not that fast. the fact comes staring that every year that past you by brings u one step closer to. arhahrar. the dreadful working world. you know how contridicting that is. arhahar. when you study you feel working life is better. [but deep inside you just believe that studying life is better] and when they give you the working life. you think that studying life is better. arhhar. i take studying life can? arhahar. but how long can you go on studying. arhahar.
you can't stop time from passing you by. but you can somehow stop some of it by keeping the little joy and laughter in myself. makes you sane in at times what i call this crazy world. and keeps you one happy dude as the years goes by. arhahar. i pray that i'll continue to contain that joy in me. arhahar. it seems real cause somehow arharhar. I seem to harhar less! as i get older. erm. yes. i do harhar. but yes. it is lesser arhahar. its alarming but arhahrar. i believe whatever you set your heart in doing so, my name joyce shall be joy. aharhar. eh. its another year =) cheerios ppl. *fighting** i am soOo gonna find God tonite. soOo many things to tell Him. arhahar.
-[signing off from a somewhat satisfied ah joy- arhahr. (=^^,)v - maybe my appetite will come back? arhahar. weirdly. i dun feel like eating these past few days. arhhar. eating purely cause its meal time. arharhar. weird. ] -
Monday, November 21
its been a long time since i last blogged. like ever since skool started I haven't really been blogging cause arharharar. apparently nothing has been of interesting enough for me to be blogging. arhharhar. whoops.
Well, yes, I do wanna load some pictures up of Jarrett. He's sooo cute. and adorable. arharhar. let me rattle on on how cute he is. he never fails to listen to whatever you are saying and arharhar. i like the way he asks, "Yee Yee going to Julia Gabriel with Jarrett?" arhahar. you can never refuse saying no to a child. hee. been spending my saturdays with my sayang nephew except from last week for being down with a high fever. arhharhar. he's sooo cute. but he looked great in yesterday night's wedding dinner. will post pictures again. cause its such a hassle attaching wires to the USB port and waiting to open and then wait for the slow host of blogger to work. maybe i should try loading it to nettiez's "cyworld". arhahar. haven't been in there cause it looks "bare". can't do edits cause you gotta pay in order to do more edits!
Well, its coming 3am but thank God has blessed me with good Mondays cause lessons starts at 1 and ends at 4 in the afternoon. and apparently i'm still up today cause arharhar. somehow I'm getting used to having Brother back at home. More or less, I've been leaving alone on this "level" of my house and yes. used to living with just me and parents. lassie and lilik. but that's bout it. arharhar. not suprising someone's getting the "star" treatment. first. I gotta tune down the volume of my music and arhahar. i'm getting used to that. oh well. let me brag it out here. from young me and my bro do have difficulties coming along cause we bicker a hell lot. never got along as well as i got well with my sister =) and we've grown up but I wish at times he'll be more sensible with his remarks. honestly, cause i'm always been gracious to him. not to pick on him alrite. but oh well. he always does pick on me. soOo aigo. let him say till he's fine with it. and i'll be thinking of just one word or some short replies to keep him mum. arhrhaar. lol. some things never changes.
And oh yeah. I had a really good chat wif Kim Yee and .... wharhar. Her mom! yes yes. sharing about the "happenings" in the house. Both humans and the non existants. arhahar. bout u know spirits. arharhar. yes. and touched on growing up. how i grew up. to be honest i can remember quite a bit of what happened to me when i was young. for now.. cause for one thing, Brother was coming back and erm. its the usual thing. Parents going the extra mile trying to pick him back and when somethings don't work, like the teletext not showing the details of bro's arrival, you get it in some not so nice manner. that's the sad part man i feel. feeling like i'm like needed as and when and dumped when not required. arharhar. how "sexist" my family runs. no one can deny that. but arhhar. thank God I got used to it. something which just you have to make yourself understand.
Talking to Kim Yee's mom, whose a close sister of my mom. Telling her the changes in mom, happenings at home. she shared bout herself when she was younger, the experiences and on the part whereby when i was young. cause me and my bro fought alot. i remembered how if me and my brother were to go to the parents office, when my mom went over to Kim Yee's mom place, she wouldn't ever bring me along. she'll drop me off back home and she and bro headed off to aunt's place. i remembered how hurt i was, thrown off like a toy, cause of all disputes, that i was put in punishment for everything bad that happens. Its amazing how my brother could be given a treatment and i left off to be "punish". As if all disputes were to be started off by me. but i can say. Till today. I never ever find fault with my bro unless provoked. it still happens today. Comments like "Dunnoe whether you're a girl or not?" Gee. u have to choose to ignore. i never got along wif him cause i never understood his point of view and seriously, to me. he's never a sensitive boy wif his words.
oh well. anyways, Aunt told me mom shouldn't be doing that cause its not fair to me. cause first. however does disuputes not occur between brother and sister? and cause she worked from monday to saturday, i rarely actually interacted with my parents and she did that to me. I heard that, ahrhar. somehow, some part of me just felt some pain, self pity for myself. the hurts just seem to arise. i felt a little wet in my eyes.
Aunt believed in mom bringing me over to her place to interact wif her other kids. somehow she believed in me in being understanding kid. arharhar. cute aunt. cause there was her daughter, Kim Yee, and yes. its only one of the other cousins that i'm close in terms of age wise. never did they know the 2 of us will become really close cousins till today. One thing I just had to thank God for blessing me with a lovely aunt like Kim Yee's mom. If without her, I will not be conversing in chinese [cause when i chat wif her, its in chinese, wif a wee bit of english there]. Not knowing more about my mom and most importantly, not having to taste her lovely meals and gotten to get along and knowing both my cousins, Kim Yee and Caroline. =) we 3 grew up together. arharhar. ones which made my sundays a tad different from the rest of the days.
I look back at my days, times I wanna cry for myself in a way, it sounds pathetic but times if i were to think in a pathetic way. I feel pathetic. But nar. I look back standing amazed at how God has looked after me, blessing with me with wonderful "maids" [i call them aunties], which were the "moms". I remembered how each one doted on me, celebrated my birthday, brought me out. and most importantly was to comfort a kid who was just trying to be. me. All da aunties always sided with me, whenever there was a quarrel wif me and my brother. He always made me cry! arhahar. i remembered one time whereby bro deliberately spite me, flung my toys all over the floor. and i picked up the pieces one by one cause they were my "livelihood". my aunt really got mad at him and threw a piece of chopstick at my bro. She got a real scolding from my mom cause mom had to be called in but yeah. i always remembered how my aunts stood for me =) and dote on me, arhahar. and my elder sister tOo =)
So as i got older, i realised alot of things. a respect and love grew for my mom as i got older. for one thing. Somehow, i never held anything against mommy. somehow. arhahar. but something still holds against my dad at times. marriage takes a back seat on my mind sometimes, cause in a way, i never want my child to be going through what i did till today. how much to wonder what is a human's father's way of loving a child. in a family i see in a church, which i'll doubt to see it happening on me. but simply the importance it is to be having similiar beliefs and running towards a kind of goal both mom and dad can share.
I just in the midst just wanted to write it out. write my entire life story out not to gain sympathy from readers but simply for kids. youths facing in similiar or somewhat same situation will feel they're not alone. to inspire kids to live life with that constant joy and happiness they can feel in their lives and be a blessing to the ppl around them. somehow i thought how amazing i went through all these things, cause every single time i remembered how hurt i was. i cried out to God under my sheets to sleep. Praying it'll be better day tomorrow. i felt heard and to see how God brought me up. I marvel at how much this Father's love for his children. The fact He never wants you to go through some things, but if you have to. He's with you. And i still never fail to marvel at how much this Father loves us. He still constantly watches over me i believe. and helps me hold on. =) *fighting ah joy* and i hope this joy of mine will continually live in me today. tomorrow and for the many tomorrows. you're never alone =) *tears* (=^^,)v
Sunday, November 13
hmm. *aaaah* testing. testing. arhhar. kidding. just laming out here. leaving a note here before i leave off to finish off my unfinished work. of thinking questions of tml's interview for SAND. erm. its not the sand in the sand and sea. it means. System Analst and Development. some lOoong. and "chim" word but anyways, urh. its new to me. and that means.. more read ups and listening? teacher [mrs Y**] is a good experienced worker in the industry but erh. she can't really teach for peanuts. [i dun mean to bash]. but its hard to understand her lingo. she can tell u the entire problem scenario. but u still dun get a thing. cause its in her lingo. hard to understand the subject enough and it adds on trying to understand what she's saying. well. i guess i need to tune into her frequency. cause she looks like she's speaking greek to me. she likes. chop chop. snappy answers. dun let her wait. she'll bites. she's the one which u call. career woman. she's one example. trying to learn from her. though hard. arhahrarhar.
Alright. anyway. I served God today for 2 entire services. arhrahar. clicking and clicking and clicking. whoa. endurance. but Pastor Keith made it all bearable. sOo funny lar. it came out wif the LOTR video in the presentation. it ended and i clicked which in powerpoint method supposed to proceed to the next slide but it replayed the video i had to search for the "page down" button to exit cause of the sound. he went "she's alittle excited over the video. maybe we'll watch the video after the service". he's funny.
alright. thank God that I'm fine. whahar. and alive now. thou shall wonder how high 40 degrees is. double the things i was feeling. arhahr. anyways. big CHOY. but erh. it mades 2 points known to me. That Thou shalt have to watch what i'm eating. and Thou shalt have to sleep early and wake up early. its a habit i'm still trying to switch. sleeping around 12? oh dear. i only do it when im sick lar. but anyways. since i made a promise to "mummy". it shalt be it. arhhar. and to omma who always asks me to "sleep early ar". its her "chant". soOo yeah. gonna do work. and head to bed already. drowsy medicine taking its effect. but its not as effective as Dr Han's medicine. My family doc's medicine is a killer. knocks u out within few minutes.arhhra. explains the difference between a private doc and a public one and yes. i waited around 2 hours for the entire procedure of seeing the doc and taking my medicine. compared to a 45 mins in a private doc. arhahar. oh well. workey time.
Tuesday, November 8
Duh. school has started. first day of school today after 2 months of holidays. and ok. i'm gonna write this down.
- The first "rude shock" i got back to school first thing after setting into the school compound. arharhar. Was a rude awakening cause i haven't got used to the fact of seeing such a large number of people all dressed really well. The in trends. the latest and the vibrancy. That's Temasek Poly but yeah. arhahar. I think I was just used to seeing simplicity casual dressing. After coming back from Cebu, I'm still getting settled in terms of the people around me. arhhaar. can't help it. =)
- Second shock. well. arhahar. difficulty level of the work in school has gotten much harder. its becoming soOo industrial base. I feel like i am undergoing job training in school. arhharhar. big time. but you know what. Supposedly the prospects of the IT world is RICH. big time. Was doing my assignment of searching what a System Analyst does. Whooping very tech-y but but. the pay was like 120 pounds per hour? [there ain't a pound sign on my keyboard] but whoot. just look at that. anyways. I'm just feeling the heat of school cause honestly the subjects this semesters as compared to last semester is less. but the difficulty level has risen to quite a bit. arhahar. time to UPgrade. pleah. the thoughts of projects. eEe. arhhar. coffee and ur dear computer. sounds like you're working already. i get bored thinking about what will happen to me in a mere 10 years time. working. full-time. erh. arhahar. sounds lifeless. i just hope i land myself a job i love. arhhar. then u won't feel you're working a day in your life. ahrhaar.
Cause reading an article in the papers was sharing opinions of actually not rushing into finding a job as soon as you graduate. and also another one was that. hmm. bout ouh. influx of graduates into the industries that there isn't enough the market to accomodate to the graduates. that businesses gets to choose the cream of the crop, graduates from distinctive universities but the less known universities gets a harder time getting a job locally. arhhar. move abroad? yeah. part of me tells me i wanna go abroad and work. another part tells me of my omma. and the food. and the friends. arh. arhahar. =( anyways. that's later anyways.
Okay. Know what's the part about the new timetable. arhharar. I start school 3 days a week at 9am. and which means how early i gotta wake up? huu huu. some 6 plus. just like my dear secondary school days. Omma was laughing at me. "well. just think of it as you're going to school back in your secondary school". I was like "thanks mummy.." arhahar. soOo funny. And she keeps telling me to. "Go sleep early ar..." She's soOo cute. arhahar. that's my mummy. and yeah. I ate a fish bone for dinner which left me coughing like mad. but it didn't come out. see. i shall be developing a phobia for fish? but nar. ahrhar. i like ikan goreng!! I feel dumb and careless sometimes. like soOo careless. anyways. i feel "dumb" don't like to talk cause I dun like the jutting feeling at the side of your throat. arharhar.
OKie. enough of whining over here and close my eyes and head to bed. tuesdays are seriously long days. oh my gosh. and the CHINESE radio station UFM 1003 is playing real oldies. It goes. "whoever hears this. I love you". I heard that song before in some karaoke songs my mom used to play and sing some long years ago. but its not that bad to suit the nite. quiet moods. oh. and i wanted to say. God made lovely blue evening skies out at my place today. I love walking back from the bus stop to my house everyday. crossing this big roads. with the over head flyer building works going on. and the deep blue skies and the clouds. and the wind just blowing at your face occassionally and 2 sides of the road with cars and vehicles passing you by at quite a speed. i like raising my arms a little bit out. to feel the gush of the wind passing you by. its awesome. that's called. Just another day out. =) in school. Gotta sleep before i can't wake up tomorrow! God bless.
Monday, November 7
*screams* time has seriously pass me real fast. to be exact. today later in the afternoon at 1pm will be a school day. New time table states for monday. I start lessons at 1 and ends at 4pm. arhahar. One thing I think I've been blessed this semester is a shorter time table as compared to last semester which was hell of a hectic one. =)
Holidays has been a fruitful one this 2 months basically cause of the Cebu trip which has been marvellous for me. In a sense of rejuvenating myself. More of God over there and to see the world in my eyes. it has certainly changed me. In a sense. I have become a person to seriously be contented with what I have. suddenly things that i have wanted. seem sooo unimportant. things that i used to chased for in a sense, the things that i used to call "precious" or "important" in my sight has changed their significance. and suddenly all dun seem the way they were before. its like what has been said. Lay down your all. ur possessions. everything. ur life. suddenly made sense to me. amazing revelation.
Anyways, soOo much soOo for that. But apparently I've been feeling a little sleepy and larthegic somehow. ain't got a clue as to why that is soOo cause i realised that i do get the sleepy feeling whenever i get home. arhhar. nothing to do or unoccupied? i dunnoe but all i hope i get my energy level on a high. kind of looking forwards to school rather than bumping around at home. but one thing is that. i dread about the deadly projects week and the exams but arhharhar. dat's life of a student. u get fun + alot of time to yourself but one thing is that there is the stess and pressures of what it is to live a life of one student. arhaharhar. but ain't much to fear. one step at a time. its amazing how time flies honestly. cause today i realised almost 2 years since i last took my o'levels. and Jessica is now taking her exams tomorrow. wif keith. they're cooOL. arharhar. that they still head to church though tomorrow's their big papers. prayers and bless them. I feel old suddenly . arhahar. and the big 20+ years old is gonna reach soon. and no time 30s? EeeeEks. one thing is sure. I'm aging. *shrudders*
Pretty groused out today over the guest's speakers topic and GRAPHIC pictures that he showed. topic was on abortion. and yeah. it is a good thing in a way to show and introduce to the youths what it is to choose the path of abortion. It was really. Oh mi gosh. it was bloody. gore-y. and seriously. puking feeling in a sense. it showed all sorts of foetuses getting aborted at the various stages of pregnancy. Speaker could be funny at any one time with his jokes and sound effects to lighten up the mood but the pictures sent a very strong message down to the crowd. that whether it is in religion's point of view or in a person's point of view that it is really wrong. talk about baby abnormalities. and whether you'll abort the baby upon knowing the fact that the baby was going to grow up not the normal babies "way". its pretty scary i feel. cause i know that babies are cute but the responsibilities and the entire process of the pregnancy does scare me off abit. and today's abortion pics were. eEew. big time.
In early stages or later stages of abortions. u could see the forms already of the foetuses. grown. alive. living. breathing being fed wif saline solution [i asked Jessica wad was dat. salt stuff =O] burning the foetus all into black stuff. and then. take the forceps and twist the legs first. so now that the foetus is turned. it kind of breaks the legs. then the forceps is inserted to its neck. piereced. twisted to break the back of the foetuses and if that is not all. the forceps is used to remove the brains of the foetuses and the head of the foetus will hang loosely. totally dead. God. and it is removed by an expulsion movement. and if that's not worse enough. if a mom decides to abort the baby at 36 weeks [whole entire pregnancy perioid is 40 weeks] soOo the "doctors" no. they're called murderers or abortionists. basically breaks every parts of the baby and remove the foetus out of the womb. cant imagine the excruciating pain that one young baby. have to go through. *sigh* why did someone or anyone invented with the process of abortion? suppose its the same as getting the baby out of the womb when baby is delivered. =( i just crinch and as i visualise in my head what it was like. i'm totally freakee.d. anyways. the bottomline here was that. no freaking pre-maritial sex. that was the tagline if u wanna ever get the risk of abortion way out of the way. and the only solution. its a life at stake. darn it.
Okie. i just found a song i wanna leave the lyrics here. Its an Irish singer. Damien Rice - Blower's Daughter. Actually I found this song off Chui Kang Hui's ["seperation"s lead actress.] Cyworld. =) and i thought it was real nice. found the song. here's the URL.'s%20Daughter.mp3">Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter
Damien Rice - Blower's Daughter
The blower’s daughter and so it is just like you said it would be life goes easy on me most of the time and so it is the shorter story no love no glory no hero in her skies I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you and so it is just like you said it should be we’ll both forget the breeze most of the time and so it is the colder water the blower’s daughter the pupil in denial I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes off of you I can’t take my eyes…….. Did I say that I loathe you? Did I say that I want to leave it all behind? I can’t take my mind off you I can’t take my mind off you I can’t take my mind off you I can’t take my mind off you I can’t take my mind off you I can’t take my mind, my mind, my mind ‘til I find somebody new
If you want more downloads from Damien Rice. Try this website. Search engines are nice =) arhhaar. he's good. with a unique voice. I like that grainy voice.
The site
And now. I'm gonna tuck myself into bed now. Its 2am and its time to sleep. I'm tired honestly. =) Nitey.
and for more Cebu pictures. Try this place.
My nettiezZz
- Look under albums =)
Sunday, October 30
Reflections. of. CEbu.
My first mission trip was over at Cebu. As much as it was a place whereby I could draw a number of life lessons for myself, being part of the entire mission trip meant it was a time to take a closer look at God.
Taking a deeper look into how God works, amazed at even though over at Philippines, we could be speaking different languages, we worshipped one God, with one voice, one body. Bearing similarities in the songs we sang, we all had a desire for God. The hunger to see more of God was evident. Knowing him more and for more people to get to know the one God and for them to establish the intimate relationship with Him.
However different we were in each other’s eyes, God still showed that He loved every single one of us. That was one of the things I learnt, I was touched time and again at the amount of love that God has. Whatever situations we were facing, God could just touch at that moment when you needed someone, give you the strength to tide through the difficulties or find peace and rest in Him.
It was a humbling experience to see how blessed I was, how much more I had and how much more we could do for the people over there. It gave me renewed strength in a way to hold on tighter to God. To be able to see God working and stirring other people’s hearts and lives, it does stir up my heart to want to be part of His plans.
For now, I hope to serve God in the ways I could, that I’ll continue walking on this journey with God through the good and bad times and that may I be living a life that will be pleasing to Him. May God continue to look after Cebu and give thanks to the rest of the team for making the trip a really great one and to everyone who made it possible!
-amen- "I am falling to my knees. I need you more to breathe in me. My prayer is still the same. My heart is calling out your name. Sweet annointing fills this place. I am found in your embrace. Rain down on me. Rain down on me. Here in your presence I am free. Pour down like rain. Come touch me again. Let your presence fall on me. I am longing just to see. Your power and your majesty. Sweet annointing fills this place. I am found in your embrace. Rain down on me. Rain down on me. Here in your presence I am free. Pour down like rain. Come touch me again... " - Raindown. Sonicflood.
Feel His glory. Feel his love. Your love. Your grace. Marvels me. I never felt that much of a Father's love. I ponder what it is to grow up with a loving father. To a moment I realised. I wasn't that much different with the children over there. To a time I could even think. They could be richer than me in various ways. You realised. You could lay everything down. give everything I had right now. the earthly riches down. If it was money one want. Take it. Possessions that you want. Go ahead and take it. You can take everything I owned. But for one thing you can never take away in my life. It is my God and that relationship that has stood by me. The renewed feeling of not throwing myself to a corner and sitting down in a corner and cry at my own situation. To not abandon yourself and give yourself up but the renewed strength to face each new day wuth joy and optimism. I felt you near. I never cried that hard. In your presence. I felt you speaking to me soOo strongly. I couldn't turn my back but fall on my knees. The peace you gave me. The touch that once again allowed me to find comfort in your midst. Hold on. and as it is to never let go of you.
Wednesday, October 26
ok. now I shall continue my previous post. Cause u noe wad happened. dat day when I was blogging. I was sending pictures to Glennie and to Ben. and den. Ben complained it was slow. SoOo i restarted my comp. but i ended up sleeping after restarting. SoOo where was I?
Arhahar. ouh. Internet mummy ask me to upload pics-y. sorrie I took soOo long. eh. Everynight watch handsome and I turn off to bed. hee. tonight got the energy to brag and blog now. and continue my story of Cebu. Choco cowboy [Paul] sent his regards to all da Cebu Mission trippers. I miss his green Isuzu. arharhar. I saw it outside my house. [A white one though] but i just smiled. thinking bout the sweet memories the team had and wif Ate Sally + Paul and da kids and ppl over at OM.
Lemme see. some pictures of da team =) [I ain't gonna load 2 big the photographs. cause rule on 45. It takes a lot of time. and rule 71. It takes a lot of space of da blog before someone complains i'm turining the blog into some photoalbum. ahhraar. [it is. wondered why i changed the layout to something this big? nannnanaa]
soOo this is the team. In OM [Operation Mission. an organisaton] there's 11 of us. Wif couple of OM-ers in there. and of course. "Papa" = Uncle in Cebuan Moses on the top right hand corner. Ben's not in there! Smile babies!
This is da fuller team.Wif Jacob aded. and Ben Chan. =) Fun-ner.
This is Pastor's Gerry's daughter =) Cute smile eh. I like da smile. soOo aiseh. Sweet. And Pastor Gerry was sweet toOo. stroking his other daughter as she was asleep. awWw. CoOL dad.
This lovely smiley pic is taken by Ben Chan [harhar. he took most of da pictures cause my cam was wif him =) wif his team. ouh. cause we were splilt into 2 teams sooo yeap =)] Its pics of kids from da slum areas. They had little but they really were really happy kids. They dun cry as much. They shared whatever they had with each other. some more pics - y. I leant humility and contentment from these kids. very touched by them. they're all soOo sweet. come by they'll put their smaller arms onto yours and say. "hello". they lurve cameras toOo and course. takin pictures. [but i have a lot of pictures. only putting some up =)]

Dat's all fer todae den. this uploading kills =)
Tuesday, October 25
I am back. hahar. after 10 days. It was awesome and the trip couldn't have been better. Fer it was the first time I was overseas. Without my omma. aharhar. Wif another bunch of 10 ppl. The awesome team consists of team leader. Jacob. Shaun Ho [Your mummy loves you. He has this cute shirt dat has dat writtenon it =)]. Jia Wei. Alvin. Andrew. Ben Chan. Pastor Edwin. Rachel. Glenda and Joyce [Ho] I mean. muahahar. ^^
Activities were loads. And seriously time passed soOo fast over there dat getting back to SG. Its back to da old routines usuals and time seemingly seems to be crawling. I miss Cebu. arhahar. And when I was over there. I honestly. hahar. Suprisingly. didn't miss much of da things at home. not my lappy. not the internet. not the handphone. not the television. but some of the cutest thing I missed was... arhhar! *argh* the water. Both drinking water and the warm nice shower i take dat many things that i have taken for granted.
Wednesday, October 12
*waves* and its been a long time since i last blogged. soOo many things has happened. seriously. and haven't been in da mood to sit down and just let my thoughts flow cause I was simply. tired. Yeap. Tired in sooo many ways.
Cebu Mission trip is drawing closer. faster den i expected and preparations are almost there i suppose. My first one. soOo yeah. be coOL. supposedly heading to somewhere where I've not been and its not on a holiday-ing purpose. but all fer the almighty God. He's proven himself again and again. I dun believe I'll be packing my bag soon and flying myself off to Cebu.
Cause of Lassie's disallocation of her leg. Her operation costed quite a bit. I blamed no one fer the entire accident. It was kind of what u call a fluke accident. And my love fer Golden Retrievers will not subside. I still lurve Echo before and after everything happened. dat cute doggie. Cause i just went to visit Echo yesterdae. He was all soOo cute alright. Up on his 2 paws wagging its tail. I just love patting retrivers. they're big and yeah. he put his paw on my belly right outside his gate. I stood. I just felt this doggie was sorrie ya noe. hee. he's cute. patted his head to tell him. My doggie's ok. Seems like he understood me. I dun wan Echo to worry toOo much ya noe. And yeah. THANK GOD Lassie was ok man. Cause when da accident happened. One thing replayed in my head as I related my experience to Lilik [my maid]. We never do tok as much as me and Indri [my previous maid] but harhar. I can't help it.
I just seem to just click to maids. She shared her side of her "findings" bout my family [which wasn't suprising. arharhar. i already knew wad she was gonna say. and like hearin a "repeated telecast". cause Indri has all told me everything. My respect fer maids still stands today. cause I've learnt a lot from Indri. She taught me soOo much soOo. I can never be ever more grateful to her. Humility was honestly taught from there. my faith grew from her. I mellowed my temper and learnt to seek advices and listen before i tok. and I shared my life living under this roof and as to Lassie. I told her. "saya sekarang mampus san". [i'm "dead"] Den related my story of da Lost Lassie. and da entire experience just got relived in my head. how ur entire family just in their spite of anger. sadness and loss. pointed their fingers at me. dat da entire accident was my fault. i dun point da finger at my aunt. but hey. fairness someone. I trusted her toOo wor. oh well. its over. arharhar. i remmebered da only person who stood by me. Was my maid wor. Indri stood there. Shared bout faith. Seek strength in da Lord and you'll find comfort there. wif her hugs. awWw. I miss her. i noe when she was around. in times of wad i am feeling now. I'll run down. knock on her room door and she'll open it. no matter how late. i'll just sleep wif her cuddle up wif her. during those times everyone in da house was against me.
And to Jessica and to Joyce Ho. No worries dearies. I'm just really thankful fer ur parents dat dae fer willing to fetch da doggie to da hospital. honestly. if u wanna know y no one else in my family will do it. da only person who currently drives in da house now is dad. mom dun drive. neither do i. but my sis does. but she's teaching and yeah. she's wif Jarrett and duh. if u ever wondered y dad didn't fetch da doggie. He never fetches me to skool from young and till he upgraded to da "S class" of da mercs. nothing has changed a single fact dat from young till now. i can still count da times i sat in his car. not more den wad ur 10 fingers can count as to how many times i sat in his car. harhar. there's a really sad fact bout da cars that dad has. ask Mr Bus Driver. [i usually sit this 2 uncles bus to skool last time] even them. always wonder. how come i dun get to hitch a ride from dad to skool. harhar. they noe how far i walk from my house to da bus stop. and den waking up early and all. they noe! harhar. to put it simply. they wondered 2 and cared. sweet lar these ppl.
looking back at how Uncle Choy Hoi and family [Joyce's Ho's family] helped. and esp. to Uncle Choy Hoi who was soOo sweet to give me a ride to da Harborfront MRT station. that act just touched me totally. den i just thought about my dad. harhar. forget it. its worlds apart. Uncle Choy Hoi's my fren's dad. hoo hoo. willing to give me a ride. i felt soOo honoured. =)
[i dun wanna sound like i'm bashing my dad] but i really am thankful fer God putting all these lovely ppl into my life. I'm thankful den i dun moan and sulk and cry bout da happenings and facts that stare at me at my face. Dat I still ever remain joyful and miss positive as much as i can. I just wanna say. I just thank God fer bringing me where I am today. There ain't Him. there ain't da Joyce that u see today. Honestly. I won't be where I am. I won't be that good girl as to wad ppl has been calling me. To all of u who's got lovely dads. hey hey. treasure them alright. [I still wonder wad's it like to have a sweet dad] Fer me. harhar. I got an awesome mom. My Father. arharhar. who looked after me from day 1. is da one up there. Fer all i noe. Disciplines and loves me. God rocks. hee.
I dunnoe why am i babbling all these here. but i thought i just want to share how much God has just done fer me these weeks. It has been trying on a part. cause of Lassie. I noe i chose da hard way of doing things. but i dun wan hate. or dislike to happen between anyone. Echo's master had been soOo sweet. wanted to compensate and Jessie 2. But I turned them all down. [i dun wanna sound like a saint] but i hope Mom understands. Its not about money but its about forgiveness. I promised to pay da entire fees when i get to work again. since God has been gracious enough to heal Lassie real fast! Bottomline. If it was anyone's fault. its no one but yeah. should be mine. It was quite an earful i received from mom but its ok. Vent her anger on me is a-ok. not on anyone else will be great. but i guess she's chilled. but da entire incident just became a deja-vu reminder of wad happened before.
I am thankful fer the fund raising. and the graciousness of da ppl in church. U just wowed me to see how much u all give. to da great team who's heading out to cebu. I think we'll have a great time together getting to noe each other. and chill man any hard feelings. harhar. [i see it risin between da 2 guys.] =X amen to God. fer providing everything and most importantly. making my mom first say "yes." to da trip. [she never let me go anywhere. outside SG. unless its wif her?] and second. fer being all soOo sweet to pay fer da trip. I paid half I guess. she paid da rest. I was just soOo darn worried she'll just not pay fer the rest after Lassie's incident. but she was coOL. Harhar. course if I've worked more i wouldn't have asked her but time wasn't on my side. amen amen amen. hahar.
For drawing closer to God once again after all what He did. and a constant reminder to myself once again. to focus on the eternal stuff rather as to the earthly stuff. caught up wif my own time dat i say. "oops God. sleepy today. tml QT?' harhar. and da tml goes on and on. it never gets done. harhar. till soOo manie things happened whereby u just gotta start talking to God all over. harhar. He's coOL. never say. "ShOo. Go away". Listens and listens and He'll use his actions to work. and let u see "U'll be ok". Now dat's y I said his my "aboji".. = father lar. ^^ To lean and to read his word more often. Been following da book of Luke and yeah. Its awesome as to wad God does. hahar.
Bunch of thank u to everyone who has made da trip possible. I hope to go in faith. to grow in faith. spread the message and to see how God will work in others lives as he has done in mine. and to be an instrument fer God. =) [har. feel soOo much better after all da rantling]. i think its one of da deeper insight of me. i dun blog these except writing it in da big yellow book i got. harhra. but oh wells. =) Its not dat bad either. and God is good (=^^,) Luv u all and will miss u.
Saturday, September 24
I'm home. after initial thoughts of myself heading out today fer Clement's burfdae. harhar. i was debating wif myself the entire day as to whether i should go or not. i thought i made up my mind to just go. like. "joyce. never mind. come on. just go". hahar. i told myself dat initially when he invited me. debating from last night till today when he said we're supposed to be meeting at 130pm. i pulled out at the very last moment. hahar.
I've been keeping my mind occupied since last night. harhar. talking to Jayson. Hoo. [one long talk. sorrie i got pretty worked out there. harhar. apparently yesterday's patience level of mine wasn't on a level dat spelt "saint". my mind was pretty occupied and on the fact that i felt the actions weren't justified. i felt bad fer that ever. oh so nice. person lar. soOo yeah. woman's got an high emotions factor. ] den i stayed up real late. its been a long time since i did it. "YES~! I did it." hahar. finally. somehow my energy level hasn't been on a high till lately. i normally do sleep really early. hahar. always getting tired pretty easily lar. somehow. i just love heading to bed now.
Ok. wad was the debate of mine about. harhar. Honestly, I do have fears of looking out of place at his party. harhar. and i dun wanna be looking frowny or anything, soOo i just striked the idea of turning up fer his party. i felt bad though. like u said yes to ppl that u'll go and den u just turn it down at the last minute. soorrie sorrie. i really am. aharhhar. i just dun wanna look sad or anything else besides a smile on my face in front of da birthdae boy =) i scared i frown away! hahar. least there wun be dat gan3 ga4 -ness lurking around the air. wharhar. den i was thinking. should i give him a gift or something. seriously. i dunnoe. hahar. just feel like rattling on and on on this blog. toOo lazee to write it out. i didn't have intentions on blogging either. thought of writing it down in dat private place where i keep all issues closest to my heart written in that book. hahar. but i just didn't feel like picking up a pen and write. soOo pressing buttons seems better. harhar. *rants on and on*
From last night i was pretty down lar. somehow. harhar. i pulled Marathon out. wif Cho Seung Woo he was soOo good. i strongly call u all to watch dat show if u all ever had a chance. i wanted to go and watch it on the big screen when it was shown locally in the theatres during that Korean Film Festival fer this year. but i missed the dates. thanks to the exams. hahar. soOo yeah. I was moved man. by the performance in which Cho Seung Woo oppa puts it up, it couldn't have been better lar. when he went. "Cho Won's legs. how much?" he's an autistic boy. Cause always before he runs a marathon. His omma will kind of like "motivate" him. It'll go something like dat..
Mom: Legs?
Cho Won: $10 million dollars
Mom: Body?
Cho Won: Fighter's body.
and Cho Won will scream.. *fighting~!* harhar. he's soOo cute. i'm soOo mesmerised by his smile. soOo natural. hahar. soOo wide. soOo cute! harhar. throw Dong Gun or MIn Jong or Seung Woo oppa's smiles ar. I'll automatically smile wif them lar. hahar. but Seung Woo oppa's is like. u'll smile reallie like a kid along wif him. real cute guy he is.
I was soOooooo glad i borrowed dat dvd from jojo omma. she soOo totally roxs. harhar. kept me company from like midnight till i think 4 plus on da morning. harhar. yeah. till i went to sleep till 1030am in da morning and den i continued. hahar. some kind of drive. i went on watching another movie. Dong Gun oppa's Repechage wif Kim Hee Seon. hahar. but somehow. the 2 of them matched and the kiss in dat show. is da first i see. whahar. which is the real thing. whahar. i was suprised. harhar. first time wor. =p hot. hahar. Dong Gun oppa was soOo young lar. soOo cute. very chauvinistic kind of charm. he's got some ang moh look lor. his nose was soOo distinctly sharp. but i like their looks as they get older. hoo. man man~! but i just hope this Dong Gun oppa could please put some weight on. ToOo skinny. hahar. quick quick. go find one wifey!
Okie. time of some pictures i took. whahar. =p there's the pic i took wif Ming and well. most of it are just some pictures i got bored. taking around as i walk.
Ming and me =)
Lamp post captured on a bus~!
Da usual lamp post captured as i was walking home.
Bus stop. stylo~!!
Photos from yesterday's ktv =) [i just picked some few lar] hahar..
Where's Janna? hahar.
sky high hoOo hoOo.. me and lyn.
The star singer lor. its Janna. Goodness. that Ah Mei freak. her voice is SoOo high. must noraebang wif her more often~!
Shili and Lyn =)
Look. Lyn's trying to strangle me lol.

Monday, September 19
Wharhar. its 2am. i'm just gonna leave my thoughts here before i turn in to bed. cause i gotta wake up early tomorrow morning for a day of work. and tuesday. harhar. apparently my stomach ain't feeling tooo well and i wonder. harhar. maybe i should have just gone to bed. =_='
Just came home from watching Jacky Cheung's "Snow Wolf Lake" and it soOo totally rocks alright. i remembered reading the article of the write up on both Jacky and Snow Wolf Lake on Friday. Life! had a great cover pic of him. all done in black and white with yellow fonts which had the classy look. and duh- I cannot find the pic anymore cause apparently. the front page of the life! is missing which means a probably high chances of it being thrown somewhere. argh. i should have just plucked that pic out. he looked soOo cooL.
It wasn't a very near seat to the stage but if i seriously had the money, i would have paid the amount to get front row seats lar. cause i get to see Jacky's face. harhar. another guy who just looks better with age. =) his 44 but nar. he still is looking good and gosh. he's live singing is awWwsOome. its reallie reallie.. goood~! Hahar. as much as i listen to his songs on the cds, nothing beats listening hearing him sing live. its soOo distinct and hoOo. i love the way he does it live. soOo rich lar the voice. but i think the background music was kind of loud dat da singers had to actualy sing louder to cover it. soOo yeah. but i think the show was great. wasn't a fairy tale ending. cause Snow [da female lead]had to die. but i think she died a worthy cause. har. protecting her beloved from being shot. cause some crazee fool who likes Snow, got soOo mad. for having her physically but not the heart. One sentence dat whooooed me by Snow was this. "Even if I'm gonna die, i'm never gonna be with you". Hoo hoo. dat sooo totally bites at that crazee fool who kept wanting to possess her. while obviously her heart was wif the male lead of the show [Wolf] hee. aigo. the songs were awWwsOome. but I think Snow's sister should have been played by Kit Chan. cause if i ain't wrong. i heard dat song sang by Kit and it was really good.
but nonetheless. I think the audience were kind of sweet today, giving applause to every of the casts, it just got louder in turn to come fer the leads. especially fer Jacky Cheung =) and Evonne Hsu. but nothing beats Jacky cheers' harhar. there was a standing oviation fer the show. but onli the ppl on the ground stood lar. the ppl at the higher ends by the balcony wasn't standing. but u noe wad. i was the freak hu did. arhahar. yes. i stood =) among the mass ppl hu were sitting down and must be thinking I was mad. i couldn't care less. hey. its Jacky =) ahhar. i simply adore ppl who outshine the quality of their singing in their cds and simply give it their all in their live performances. dat's wad i totally call. star quality. Min Jong oppa does dat 2. take David Tao toOo. whahar. these ppl are rare. somehow its different listening to their performance live and from their cd which adds a tad of difference and magic in their songs. hahar. Jacky's got a bunch of cute committed fans. poor ppl they actually got refused as they tried to pass their flowers and gifts [which included a giant Pooh bear] by the security. but eventually managed to put it on stage as the stars tried to pull them over from the stage. encouraging sight =) totally.
Niways. i think the performance were soOo coOL since its one of my first catching a musical. ahhar. cause its normally a concert. [i wouldn't mind if Jacky had a concert].. hahar. and i just realised i'm slow in realising all these stars. harhar. cause i only had a liking fer them not toOo long ago. When they have been in the industry fer ages =p but its ok. never toOo late. harhar. very tempted to buy the ost fer Snow Wolf Lake but gotta see how things goes in the coming week. aharhar. gotta set aside money fer the trip. hahar. but oh well. God's been great todae. cause i managed to get good weather when I was out. hahar. and den again when I was heading home. hahar. ouh. yeah. I watched the musical wif my beloved Ashley and her omma =) harhar. yeap. soOo yeah. we went home on the same bus, but we both had to change eventually to reach home. hahar. soOo yeah. i thought i might not be able to catch the last bus but thankfully i did. sOo yeah. i needn't burn a hole in the pocket trying to catch a taxi home. harhar. which was coOL. aharhar. i thought it was simply excellent timing lar. think of all these little things dat God works in my life. seeing it is coOL. like fridae night toOo. prayers works wonders and i guess i better be doing my quiet time and heading to bed cause it is getting late alreadi.
har. and check out my new skin. hahar. searched high and low to find one dat is gonna be suiting my upcoming craziness fer pictures. hahar. yeah. been taking more pictures recently. hahar. here and there. soOo yeap. i nided one that had space to put the pic and soOo yeah. apparently white background has the welcoming effect as compared to black [though black gave a more class-ier look] but yeah. this spacious look's pretty nice. harhar. took me yesterdae to work on it. but oh well. still learning along the way and har.i guess i'll be working more wif the comp in the next few days if i have the time. whahar. soOo yeap.
i've got pics apparently but duh. they aren't gonna be uploaded tonight lar. hahar. some photography pics i took. harhar. suddenly got a love fer it and its mostly round my neighbourhood and especially the skies. soOo yeap. i'll just put Jacky's face here. darn. i want that pic dat is on the LIfe! cover page. it's just missing. =_=' but i think its a pic taken from his "life is like a dream" album. hmmMm...
Thursday, September 15
I haven't been blogging. wharhar. these couple of days. just slacking and slacking and headin out walk around and coming home. den surfing around handsome and den heading off to bed. harhar. soOo tonight gotta find something to do. which is. I'm emptying all the pictures from da camera. storing and storing soOo i decided to dump everything out. harhar. and dat i owed CPL some pictures. [she wrote it in her blog] harhar. yes yes. its dat its full. hahar. i took it all out. post some up. some old. some new. cause some's taken todae.
apparently. i started loving the camera recently and thanks to dat "our stance on how to break up". arharhar. after dat drama.. it makes photography sounds soOo fun wif dat camera and going around snapping pictures. but yeah. doing it fer pleasure and fer a living are 2 different things i guess. i guess i'm doing it fer pleasure. but aigo. sad case lar. the show has ended. =( i wish dat ending was longer. its like putting a full stop into a mid sentence. todae's shows dat i've watched all seemed to be alittle "doubt" factor in there ar.
okie. this is my model fer the day. harhar. my little nephew, Mr Ang Wei Xun, Jarrett. harhar. he looks soOo farnie. hahar. =p i was just snapping and snapping shots of him. sooo farnie.
apparently. he seemed kind of bored in da beginning. harhar. he seriously looks like a mix of jie fu + my jie jie. same same mixed. come out. kind of cute. i especially love couple of those pics. will tell u why later. seriously, time spent with him always seem to fly by real fasst and when u look at children. i understood wad omma always says. "children are soOo innocent". and yeah. as i grow, i kind of understood why omma said dat. it always seem fun fun fun fer them. smiling and having fun. harhar. and one thing fer sure. they kind of put a smile on ur face [dat's when they're not crying lar] harhar =)
harhar, guess wad Jarrett is smiling at. harhar. that bottle of vitagen. his first sip of it i think. harhar. dat yellow thingy is his waterbottle and that person wearing my calvin and hobbes shirt in white. is my sister. hahar. apparently i haven't took a pic of her full face. harhar. compare the distinct difference in da 2 of us. harhar. she's da ladee. hahar. and i'm da "harder" type. outdoors and sports is me. indoors is her. hahar. lol.
see how cute he is drinking dat bottle of vitagen harhar. i thought he was soOo adorable. arhahar. cause the bottle which looks soOo small in our hands. looks big fer him. harhar. imagine him holding a bottle of soft drink like let's say he holds a can of coke or something. he uses 2 hands. harhar. we onli use one hand lar. =p
now who ever said that a child do not comprehend our adults world. just take a look at how engrossed this little boy is at the teevee. he apparently can differentiate the different commercials. cause he's got his favourite lar. hahar. this pics funny lar. hahar. i took it and giggled away wor.
gimme gimme da vitagen. harhar. savouring every drop of it. hahar. he loves this drink wor.
now do u call this cute? hahar. i find this pic soOo adorable lar. wharhar. its like seeing him u wanna give him a hug~!! i was just playing wif Pinks. telling him. "U like Pinks?" hahar. i guess the next thing he did was he took up Pinks and gave it a hug. hahar. As I said. "hug tight tight" hahar. and he gave dat all cute smile. hahar. i lurve this pic =) like the bear very precious to this little boy ar. hahar. [yeah. and the next thing u noe wad he did? after drinking dat vitagen drink, he put Pinks close to his mouth. rub Pinks right across his lips. Pinks smell of Vitagen alright. soOo i went to spray Oceanus over on Pinks. i think Pinks nids a shower. dunnoe. suddenly been slping wif Pinks these nights. my company to bed =)]
I dunnoe wad's he doing. hahar. looks like he is singing along to his mummy's tunes. harhar. well. dat's my guess. =p
tada~!! hahar. i reallie didn't expect the pic to turn out this good. cause as what jie jie said was dat. out of 20 shots u take onli 1-2 is nice. soOo. hahar. I told Jarrett. "wei. let's zhi4 lian4 together ok?" den i just snapped. hahar. he leaned his head against mine to get the cute effect. arharhar. my sis is in da background. she saw this pic. she was like, "what? Jarrett, how come u take wif Yi Yi nice nice. come. take wif mummy". The boy knowing he was like a star, wif all da pics i was taking of him. got cheecky and refused to take wif his mom. only "angering" his mom by sticking his head in all the pictures i was taking. harhar. cute. we both love this pic. =)
meet Pinks. harhar. i think by then. Pinks should be pretty known. this is up close and personal. wif Pinks. And if ya wondering why is his name Pinks. Its written in that Ty tag on his ear. harhar. PInks. given to me by Jeu-ann. when she came down. i gave her a blue one and she got me this pinky one. harhar.
and this is me. hahar. in my room. i think this were before the exams? i got soOo bored dat i started taking pics of myself. If i ain't wrong. it was taken on a Sunday? dat week before the exams came. hahar. i think.

All da following pics are taken on Thursday. harhar. last thursday. before our last paper of LAIT. after dinner. while waiting fer the 7-9pm paper. Pei Lian and I got cranky. harhar. we ended up sitting down taking pictures. its taken in skool lar of course. hahar. i hope all da papers goes well man =)
this was taken by Pei Lian. harhar. I think i was telling her about something. hahar. and she took the pic. arharhar.
harhar. acting cheecky. whahar. cute eh. =p





dat's the seriously happie me. harhar. relived. but tired after the days of papers. harhar. on my way home after the papers at 9pm after the LAIT paper. harhar. no one was at the back of me soOo i took a pic of myself on da bus. muahahar.
Pictures of the skies. Ha Neul. =p dat means sky in korean. wharhar. =) i think i'll post da picture of how i spent my thursday tomolo nite den. since blogger is being gay. doesn't allow me to upload any more pictures. soOo yeah. i'll end her lor. nitey nite.
=( cause "our stance on how to break up" 's over. haix. as much as i see MIn Jong oppa on drama. i wish Dong Gun oppa will be in a drama tooo. but i think that is wishful thinking lar. Dong Gun's image. hahar. not the drama kind of image somehow i feel. haix, waiting fer all da movies to be released. "typhoon" is wad i am looking forward toOo. somehow, DOng Gun oppa's slave role in "the promise" kind of pulls me back alittle. as much as the movie is highly anticipated by the media. aigo. slave ya noe. and dat long hair. =( But there's Typhoon. hahar. I smile at that more. Cause there's Lee Jung Jae oppa in there toOo man. Whoa. soOo man lar he is in dat navy uniform. hahar. [he's taken alreadi though]. and not forgetting Min Jong oppa's Windmill Palm Groove. Hoo hoo. sooo manie movies to look forward toOo. and may Dong Gun oppa come over to Singapore and make amends fer the absence for Brotherhood. thinkin bout it. makes me =( harhar. well. wadever it is.
i noe the best consolation fer me will be Min Jong oppa's 9th album. which is due to be out soon. i'll keep waiting. wharhar. Windmill ost and Seperation Ost has been such a blast. reallie good good wor. =) Hummm. music just rocks. i just can't live without it. harhar. i cannot stand sitting in a room without any music. no noise. i feel weird. hahar. of course. not forgetting da good old. faithful God of mine. He's been awWwSoOmEe. hahar. =p bless ya all. i'm still hoping money and all other matters will all be settled dat the mission trip to myanmar will become a reality.
Wednesday, September 7
arharhar. came in here to blog and leave some thoughts before i leave off to study once again. its fast. this week. its already wednesday. and tomolo's da last 2 papers. Lined up wif MAFIT and LAIT. pretty scared of mafit to be honest. cause. eh. hahar. i got no confidence when it comes to numbers but hopefully get thru this last one dat is on my mind. Today's paper was do-able. harhar. well. i hope. all goes well. cause harhar. i just realised i answered one of da qns wrongly. soOo yeah. we'll see how well i'm gonna fair. harhar.
SoOo fast. time reallie flies. its scary. another semester gone. =p puuUu. but harhar. as much as time has passed me by. gonna post some pics of wad i took over da weeks. just a few. i like da clouds. hahar. and my lunch fer today. i got bored soOo i got this pink bear. which u will be able to see in the later pics. companied me fer study last nite. harhar. going crazee alreadi! harhar. and soOo today he'll be companying me. his name is called. Pinks. arharhar.. harhar. i wanna sleep somemore. harhar. after sleeping on da bus. the lunch's making me slp. harhar.. but life goes on. harhar. u gotta hit da books! Keep da music. keep on moving. final papers! harhar. =) *peace* take care all of ya. hey. i miss Ah Janna and all. Ling Li lar. Jin Hui. Vanessa. harhar. *muacks*
I took this pic when I was on the 3rd floor of one of da aunt's place over at Teban Garden. dat day was Grandma's birthday. U noe at times I think of Grandma. I feel bad fer one. not really being of close wif her. i wish i spoke some dialect. least we could tok. but here. in my family doesn't seem to be close wif any grandparents. she's da only one left. times. u wish u could do more. i guess. i'll remember this pic of her birthday.
This pic is taken right outside da bus stop over at Harborfront. was on my wat to Grandma's birthday when i snapped this pic. its really beautiful dat dae. there was one more pic of da clouds i forgot snapping it. -_-' Getting old.
This is today's lunch. harhar. Look! Pinks's lunch. arharhar. no lar. dat's mine. some sandwich i made. whoops. looks black fer da bread. but its all in my stomach. melted cheese ham and beacon wif tomatoes. apparently. the lettuce ran out. cute bear? harhar. My company this few days ya noe. I nid him to LOOK at me. harhar. den i'll study. its called. Bluffing urself. to get on wif ur work. harhar. soOo u dun get distracted looking at handsome in my room. arharhar.
harhar. yeah. the sandwich least looks more "edible" in this pic. harhar. melted cheese... lalala. harhar. oh yeah. dat's my milo + coffee mug. harhar. should show u my drinking water glass. harhar. i loove my glasses. harhar. this one been wif me fer a long time. u noe. back then when there was this darlie toothpaste giving the mugs free. its from there. arharhra. omma got dat fer me. harhra. kie lar. gonna head back to books. today's cloudless. =( harhar. but skies are blue. lovely. tataz.
