Friday, July 4
I'm not a mom, (quite obviously) but this is my favourite kid amongst all. The way she smiles and the way she goes around doing her own stuff, amuses me. The way she talks, I love spending time or just sitting in a corner watching her. Keryn Wong aka Ah Bi!
She sits on my wallpaper too, I just love this picture soo much. It really tells you what being a kid is, being a child is. The joy, the happiness. To me, she is really quite my joy and my therapy when I just need a mind to just be quiet, enjoy the fun, simple time when i spend with her.
Kids are really contented simply, the joy she shows when her daddy bought her a new pair of shoes. Aahaahaha, i was just watching her. =) Or maybe she reminds me of my small self, I should put my pic of my own self up. hmm. You dian xiang leh. ahahaha!
She came around and sat on the beanbag with me, i was praying, seeking prayer prompters i'm supposed to be praying for someone who needs some joy in their life, i was about to end my prayers and this little girl came over and landed herself a spot beside me, and smiled. Course I smiled back at her. Its amazing! No other confirmation hor. Heh, ahhh, missing her already. When she goes "come stay our house lah", or tucks my hands and holds my hands or just lying on the floor staring at the celling or pointing at each other's noses. She really is a joy.I'm always intrigued by cats lately (Yes, partially from the people who have taught me to love them) Bak Tuti and yes, the boy. =) Its a cat that has grown heaps and bounds, I first spotted it pouncing away from me, to take cover in the drain when I was walking home. Its soo cute!
Check out how well it camouflages with the tree. AMAZING!Don't know how many of you are amused by skies, but i'm amazed by it. The softness and swirls of it, and how big the skies, makes me feel how small i am. I loove feeling small, cause really, you really aren't that big seriously. Looking closely, looks like a stickman from above =)
this is a golden retriever, (at the peak, at hong kong again) i was desperately trying to get a shot of the doggy with me. Its trained so well, that even if you release the leash, it isn't gonna budge an inch! Taking a photo with it likewise, it would move away from the lens of my camera mobile. (for your information I do not own a compact camera) - all you lucky people who do own one, count your blessings! i've got my trusty 2.0mp camera of my SE phone ahhahar. but i do own a larger camera =X just not handy to bring it around lah.
i should put a picture of both of us. its taken a long long time ago, i was debating to put or not. (like a 10000 reasons why i should?) - I found a good one today, should be thankful i have a lovely (majority of the time), funny, pretty much caring boyfriend lah. without glasses! of our favourite pass-time of sitting together, just chit chatting away like girly girlfriends. I'll see him again for another session soon i think. =)
Fool around with your mind. I'm gonna mess with it. AGAIN. taken with my mobile. Take a guess if this is a 3D computer enhanced graphic, or a mere, natural, real shot taken of a building. Obviously took this for a reason. I'm very intrigued at how visual it looked while I sat at the open area just outside this place, known as the viewing gallery (if my mind doesn't fail me) ^^ its darn cool, as usual, always intrigued by cool architectures, and white panes and windows gets me amused. its real darlings.
This is another shot taken by my mobile, in hong kong's peak again. Its unbelievable how i feel what defines heaven+earth. seperated by a mere sky, so high it seems, but seems to be real close to us in this angle. amazing shadows. awes me.
There's gonna be a page set aside, just for my pictures. For someone told me, i'm a messy person, lumping all pictures and blog together. So alright, might as well dedicate a page to my pictures and talk bout it. =)
The view from the peak, all pictures here for now are by my mobile phone. pretty amazing =)