"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Friday, November 17

"buzzz" is the stupid feeling off my back now. today's been nothing with exceptions to some work on our group's ERM project a little. its NAPFA. its said to be compulsary (not too sure bout that) but whatever it is, i just went to see where my fitness level stood and its arhhar a far cry of my days back in secondary school.

sit ups were bad. the rest were decent but shuttle run's timing is down. arhahar. add some seconds to it. 2.4 km i added more seconds to my timing too. ended up failing that segment ouh so crappy. missed it by some 1 min plus but ahrhar. wad to do. only tell urself if only you ran harder. arhhar.

ouh whichever. but the feeling is not as the happie contented feeling of cycling 20km. arhhar. i think that's the shiokest thing. one day should try those long distance cycling with the cool gadgets and pants. arharhar must be fun man.

anyways. i'm just feeling bit tired. frustration lar. just wishing and hoping for God to keep guard of this heart of mine. may it not let my mouth splurt out words of hurt, and God to bring me through this crazy semester. which make it the friendships you developed for life or just a mere touch and go period of time.

- that times this world can be so political, that everyone wants gains and no losses. they lose touch. they lose focus. they probably lose their ethics and their sanity.

- nice ppl are so hard to come by. that it is probably not by chance but more like fate and like for more plans awaiting for more events to unfold.

- same theory of not starting a business based on friendships.

- through life's toughest test against time, will you see and find the geniune ppl who means and hopes the best for each other and i think back on myself to have ah boon + jin hui + vanessa+ ling li + janna this bunch of gurls we've been together. and to the oh-so-dear ppl around me. you know who you are and for a God who constantly waatches me by. i'm bleeseed.

- the fragality of the human life. the mind. the body. and how we work. just doing massive exercise after a long period of time = aches. you blame it on aging.


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