Wednesday, August 9
i feel silly all over. arhahar. *shakes head. perpetually checking my mobile phone just to see if there's a message from you. for the initial part when the night cycling started arhahar. till i got sick of it i quit looking at my mobile. [that's why i wear a watch to tell the time and not look at the mobile? lol] in the first place, arhhar, i doubt you would anyways. =)
i knew i needed to get my mind of these things again. arhahr. it keeps happening! what in world is all these are happening. two in the same row. arhar. hate it and its totally a not nice feeling to be in. certainly not one to dwell on. but i think 2 or 3 more times later, I'll get immuned to it. arhhar.
so i was really all for this night cycling. partially i just knew i needed the winds blowing at my ears and to speed down your bike at night downwards the slopes at high speeds. couln't be bothered if i fell. i knew i just wanted the winds by my ears. in the beginning, i kept looking at my phone. till a time whereby i forgot to zip up my waist pouch and the contents were all left hanging as i paddled. but good thing none of them drop out [the things are destined to be mine?] came to a moment of time i gave up looking and just paddled on
on and on the legs got really suan ahhar. but i still kept going. if its gonna tire the hell out of me, i'll still finish the entire course. arhahar. as long as the winds were blowing at me, i just kept going. till the finishing point at bedok jetty to the bicycle shop, such an outburts of energy. i nearly gave up at Changi Village to Tanah Merah, arhaar. but the zooming of the planes on my right was just too fun and i'm just glad to have gone through the entire race. with really nice Uncle Henry + Joel behind me. ahhar. i know i was right behind arhhar. too tired to have moved but ahar. they kept cheering me on, arhahar. Joel kept pushing ahahar. so i just went and went. whar reaching tanah merah was a feat man arhahr. the endless runways. arharh. but was rewarded with wonderful stars in the sky to admire. it was really beautiful and the waves coming up already. i think i saw a shooting star, was really fast. arhahr. faster than that of what you see in the shows lar. that one still got freeze time frame but arhhar. couldn't be bothered to go make a wish or something. nothing to wish for in my head.
arhhar. winds charged me up again and was ready to make the run to bedok jetty for the sun rise whahar. i had some pics on my mobile on ppl around the jetty watching the sunrise ahhar. they're blocking the whole view and arhahr. the sun was also blocked by the clouds. tired and panting but all ready to give up on what my heart is telling me. ahhar. think with my head. arhhar. i'm just really glad to have gone for the entire cycling trip. i'm suprised i didn't fall off my bike whilst cycling and thinking bout all these stuff arhahar at certain periods of time. arhahar. 40 clicks. = 40km all done arhhar. feat to me but not to the professional cyclists. ahhar. chicken noodle for them =) but thank God for the great experience i felt alive. i felt myself. i felt the wind. i felt God making those night skies. i felt what it was pushing my own limits all over again. things i thought i couldn't i just pushed it further. i went up that pyramid too. i know i had fear of heights. arhar. got further alittle bit arhar. Jacob was like go go. arhhar. Evan taught me how to descend. arhhar. Joel taught me how to hold on and not to be afraid of deliberate shakes arhhahar, =) very very fun. tiring but fun. man, give me a vespa. ahahr. or that honda gyrox. now u know why i wanna ride. sometimes. =) its this bicycle feeling. only the bicycle goes at the max 10-15 km/h. bikes can go much more then dat. arhhaar. cars is different feeling as much as it can go fast. i want the wind blowing at my ears. ahrhar. that sound. =) that familiar feeling. thank you Glenda + Andrew for organising. and all those who stayed behind till 0930 for the shop to open and return the 22 bikes. i was home sleeping by then. took a cab home with Clare + Lydia + Kerstie cheap =) when u share cab. i just dozed all the way. IT HAD TO RAIN i tell u. i wanted to just go home and lie on the floor and sleep. i had to get caught in the rain arhhar. so no choice lor. dragged to the shower. ahahr and came out. flopped to bed=)