Monday, March 16
A million thank yous. So many things to be thankful about.
1. That everyone had a great time at the Barrage and it went on without a hitch! Cause someone led it (winks winks) Great job and a great team backing the leader up. AHHAHA.
2. I met ALBERT! Again, this time its time no2. On our way home, just being able to share his vision, when these ppl just run towards their goal. He's doing architecture and when he talks about it, you just sense the love. My respect and kudos, i'm learning =) Press on!
3. Talk session with Uncle Julai / July. A figure of musician that I respect alot in church next to Uncle Tony. A man of such love for music, who lives for music, and cause of music, lives today (course with God's blessings and grace poured out upon him). Sharing his stories and past and experiences, was very fun. Especially the music taming a beast story. I'll remember it in a livetime.
4. Uncle Tony's cute session yesterday, from dinner, to the talk, his simple wisdom, I respect and give kudos, to his prayers. Thank you Uncle Tony =)
For all I can say of, is having a brush with all these passionate people, inspires me. Few hours time I'm going back to my much dreaded part of circuit. Somehow I just seem to clam up everytime I get in, I can do it, yes. But i don't know somehow I just get quite clammy when i think of circuit. Sigh, oh Lord, get me through man, just end this misery of circuits. And just be gone! Be done and get that license. sighs.
Its been a lovely time with all of you, the young people, worship, and a share of older wiser men, of Uncle Julai and Uncle Tony. And the after time with Keith, Timothy, Andrew, Alvin, DT, Chass, Pei Lin, CS is fun thanks to teaming up with all these people. =D
And shopping, walking around with Chass + Pei Lin.