Wednesday, December 13
its coming 1330 and i'm just gonna be starting on my POTty. not the least motivated, arhahar. maybe cause drained after studying everything for ERM. haiyo. but anyways, i didn't do anything much last night apart from plentiful of pondering. woke up in the morning and went to the zhi char stall at the back with Lassie. =) and whilst i was walking by the neighborhood, i saw this really cool red racer type of motorbike. it so made me motivated to ride actually more than drive at times, or rather, why not just do both when either of the urge arrives? then again, i was thinking of the Vespa, arhahar. oh wells, its just some random thoughts that i always have and i'll be dreaming of riding it down the ECP arhahar. its cool. love the scenery there lar.
so here's some random shots at life while i was walking on my mobile phone and then i'll start my mugging and probably end up sleeping somemore and mugging. can't wait for this to end.
the cool motorbike ok. whooot. i love it. it looks like a night shot but its not. no cropping no nothing arhahar. pure sunlight. and a 1.3 mp camera arharhaar. hilarious quality. but who cares. it isn't that bad actually. but yeah, try doing a night shot, i'll take a black piece of photo. walking and photo taking gets rather fun. and of course, destressing.the house in the center is one of the coolest looking houses round the estate. i like the modern look and feel, and yes you can say it'll my dream big house, with my kids running around, and my SUV parked at the car porch and we'll go long driving vacations rides with the dog or probably the cat and the kids? arhahar. and with your hubby. oh well. that's my idea of staying in a big house. cool family.
arhharar. ok. patterned clouds. its supposed to be blue-er but huu huu. exposure's i think too great for my poor camera to capture but its ok. arhahar. lovely clouds.
and last its ah bee!! Its the cutest baby and hey. some crazy things i do after lessons time. its me alright. arhhaar. after lab lessons last friday after ERM. nice? arhahar. please note it isn't my middle fingers but arhahar index fingers to note a smile. so everyone keep pressing on =) and you'll enjoy your two weeks whilst mugging your projects too. lurve you all. all the best. its woof signing off xxx