Sunday, December 24
its been another day out finally. cause i can't seem to get over my sickness of monday. my terrible fever and flu and everything. it still seems to linger, lost my voice today, or rather, develops into a sexy voice arhhar, you thought it was a man talking to you. but all for funs sake.
was out today at orchard with my 2 cousins carol + kim yee. arhahar, somehow, maybe we're tired arhhaar. the usual walk arounds, and all. dinner and yeap. gift exchange arhhaa. the usual thing we've been doing. prolly post up pictures another day.
my canon's camera's in the hospital. just took it there for repairs. don't know what is wrong but it just disables me of clicking away on my camera. now that its the holidays and when i intend of going on a snappy basis, i can't do it. damn. i hope i don't have to pay much for it, somehow it had some problems initially but it seems to have gotten worse. *sigh. oh wells.
i'm just blogging how crazy i am arhhar. over this fictional character known as Sam. arhhaar. madness. but short time photoshopping. i'm in love with this picture. alot ok. alot. =) so anyways, the picture's on the left arhhaar. and one in the centre. obssession. arhahar. and in a few months time, it'll prolly die. i'm so keen on buying the drama home for old keepsake and sentimental value arhahar. but eee. its expensive arhahar. =/ oh wells. i'll blog massively sometime again. i'm debating to wrap the gifts now or later. humm. whichever. stop blogging. arhahar. i'm in love with this picture, that's in on my msn. i really love that scene tons. arhahar. and this Sam guy is my current obssession, but not seeing him in my dreams. arhahar. next to tony leung stands francis ng muarhahar. sssh. i lurve that small picture. *sighs. i lurve the smile on both of their faces. for being so natural and picture perfect. *disappears. be back again =) tomorrow or a time again lar.
Sunday, December 17
humm. saturday has past me by and its wharhar and its sunday morning. its been fun rather today, finally sitting down and playing around with pictures. been rather long since i last did and yeap. something that makes me happy apart from shopping at Ikea yesterday wif Jie Jie so yeah. arhha today was at Takashimaya but wasn't anything there. with Jie Jie + mummy and me lar. so oh weells.
anyways, i'll guess it'll get better arhahar. i'll be fine really =) thank you Rae + Winnie + Linggie for just being there chatting arharhar. in a way, being with me. i'll get over it lar, eventually. arhahar. just takes another round of more time again. wharhahr.
look, i'm so happy at this new thing i tried out, my msn window! ahhaahr. mean its not a new thing but i think the picture's so cute. Kang Dong Won looks cute. ahahar. =) sunday's here whahar. and i lurve my new wallie. arhhar. ok lar, wash up time after playing and playing with all these pictures lar. sleeping and its time at God's place tomorrow again =) nitey nite peeps.
Friday, December 15
whoa. i feel the full force now of someone being affirmed and confirmed with that piece of paper someone has just received. its gets rather annoying but i guess on a second note, i might prefer living off in my own or rather, given now's context, moving out. live out and be oblivious to the things coming back at home. it just hit me in the car again whoa. but whatevers, like whatevers i'm pissed man. i'm becoming like a pissed lady today. *emos*
twice. once was at myself for spilling the honey stars all over my bag. its like it didn't occur to me that i should roll the inner bag into the box but i guess i was rather stupid. i feel angry for not having the least sense and in any case, just arharhar. be left alone. be alone or something. have a friend around or someone in the room you can remain oblivous to everything. i'm just tired and probably wanting to have some life or something, like be far away so you don't see it happening, cause you'll never understand why somethings happens so yar.
but in all, i thanks Winnie and Pei Lian for the day today, it has been fun and yes i had fun chomping. and i lurve that duet song we sang Winnie, its in my head and that's really the best part of my day, together with the had my decent meal for the day nearing the end of the day, which consisted of my 3 meals. somehow, ain't got much appetite to eat these couple of days, its not like at its best, and i just don't know what to be eating i guess. aharhar. i should just stop pondering on so many things at stop being upset at the things that are at my face which would always be the way they are and i should stop whining. i also don't know why i wanted to head down to fetch them home and see all these. but arhahar. i'm dumb.
Wednesday, December 13
its coming 1330 and i'm just gonna be starting on my POTty. not the least motivated, arhahar. maybe cause drained after studying everything for ERM. haiyo. but anyways, i didn't do anything much last night apart from plentiful of pondering. woke up in the morning and went to the zhi char stall at the back with Lassie. =) and whilst i was walking by the neighborhood, i saw this really cool red racer type of motorbike. it so made me motivated to ride actually more than drive at times, or rather, why not just do both when either of the urge arrives? then again, i was thinking of the Vespa, arhahar. oh wells, its just some random thoughts that i always have and i'll be dreaming of riding it down the ECP arhahar. its cool. love the scenery there lar.
so here's some random shots at life while i was walking on my mobile phone and then i'll start my mugging and probably end up sleeping somemore and mugging. can't wait for this to end.
the cool motorbike ok. whooot. i love it. it looks like a night shot but its not. no cropping no nothing arhahar. pure sunlight. and a 1.3 mp camera arharhaar. hilarious quality. but who cares. it isn't that bad actually. but yeah, try doing a night shot, i'll take a black piece of photo. walking and photo taking gets rather fun. and of course, destressing.the house in the center is one of the coolest looking houses round the estate. i like the modern look and feel, and yes you can say it'll my dream big house, with my kids running around, and my SUV parked at the car porch and we'll go long driving vacations rides with the dog or probably the cat and the kids? arhahar. and with your hubby. oh well. that's my idea of staying in a big house. cool family.
arhharar. ok. patterned clouds. its supposed to be blue-er but huu huu. exposure's i think too great for my poor camera to capture but its ok. arhahar. lovely clouds.
and last its ah bee!! Its the cutest baby and hey. some crazy things i do after lessons time. its me alright. arhhaar. after lab lessons last friday after ERM. nice? arhahar. please note it isn't my middle fingers but arhahar index fingers to note a smile. so everyone keep pressing on =) and you'll enjoy your two weeks whilst mugging your projects too. lurve you all. all the best. its woof signing off xxx
Friday, December 8
i need to get myself to study. be disciplined. and go find knowledge in the things i read. come on! seep to your brains arhhaar. i'm feeling tired keep wanting to sleep the moment those notes pop up right in front of me.
its gonna be busy weekends but hopefully squeezes some time to mug somehow. oh man. *like ants on a hot pan. and eeks. there's a need to memorize that cross thingy in the disciple's book. don't know if i can do it but *sigh must try. FIGHTING AH JOY* totally feels weird to be mugging somehow since we ended our attachment, 7 months or 8 months, and then heading back to hitting the books. no momentum lar. aiyoo. quick hit me!!! ok shower time and i think i need to do more reading. arhhar. somehow erm don't interest me, POT more digestable, more english terms so to speak i guess. and what is this annoying spell check underlining that blogger has? lol.
fly me to Japan!!!! Janggie's having a free meet the fans session at Budoku Complex or something man. but -_-' Japan, haven't fly me up there, i already broke arhahar. don't even think bout the amenities like the hotels or something +_= i'm feeling poor. arhhaar.