Monday, June 27
Feeling moody these couple of days. Well, to be exact. Since yesterdae.. Mind went on thinking mode. Lots of "what ifs" in the passing of Min Jong oppa's aboji. [father]. Yeah. U kind of say its sort of like another lesson learnt fer me lar. somehow. i hope. anyways. the pics. [aBoVe: picture of a sunset. nearby my cousin's place. was heading to her place just now. while i saw the beautiful shade of orange and blue. whoa.]
[aBoVe is the closer up pic of what caught my eye. i just thought it was lovely. =) ]
[aBoVe: Harhar. all smiles. todae was a dae out wif Indri. aka. Tut. aka Mummy. harhar. oh well. Somewhere outside my place.. ]
[aBoVe: She's tryin to be shy. harhar. oh well. I'm all smiles]
Well, pretty much a slacking weekend. getting to do wad i was supposed to do. but something left staring at me. is dat colour and composition work. yet to draw and paint the final piece after working on the development. better go catch my mind back soOn. before it starts running again. harhar. time to settle down for more serious work coming up. *dreads* which is also called mugging all over once more. harhar. job of a student rite?
Uploading pictures. but gonna head back to doing the tutorial fer todae ba. just wanna hit the pillows now. God noes. harhar. been wanting to hit it always these past few days. not dat i've been working reallie hard. just love. the bed. somehow now. harhar. dat it speaks to me everynow and den. oh well. Gonna run to Ah Pa tonite. tell him everything's on me. Prayers and blessings be upon the "usual suspects". but in addition. Min Jong oppa's family and loved ones toOo. haiz. God look after each and everyone of u tonite. tml. always be. nitey.