Monday, October 4
Everytime I look at the time passing and it has past September already, I've past my one year at SII, survived a year of work life and passed it. Things that were deemed impossible, where it was so hard to walk through the first 6 months of it, I'm glad I got through it, every single day, pulling myself out of bed to work and trying to give it my all and understanding it all, where I was where I was and what He was trying to teach me.
The entire year of experience has been - being faithful with whatever you have and no matter of how much how little/small you think it is, watch how He works and multiplies on because of what you have and what you will to Him and how He grows purely because of your act of obedience and faith.
He honestly hasn't failed me at all, not for the entire year but He hasn't failed me at all for my 23 years of my life and how many times just due to some difficult circumstance, we suffer a momentary memory lapse and forget His goodness, promises and faithfulness.
I sit and ponder what on earth burns inside of me or wonder what is it gonna be like in the next couple of years. It's honestly all sketchy but I know it will be fun and very exciting (of course expect some knee jerks and hard circumstance) but journeying with Him doesn't make it at all too daunting.
Perhaps all I need is more faith and perhaps all I have to do is to trust Him even more and take the first step and dive in deep and watch what happens. It is very exciting times we're living in. I should draw more faith and yes, it is still in me and I still cry everytime I hear/watch of people coming into His presence and being in His presence, that majestic presence that makes you fall at your feet and that soft touch that you yearn for that when He comes and touches you, you become a pile of jello-mess.
I caught a glimpse of Your splendor
In the corner of my eye
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen
And it was like a flash of lightning
Reflected off the sky
I've one more worship list to come out with, and so what is gonna be on this list.. Hmm. Time to grab some food, I'm hungry again!