"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, September 15

So many things has happened these weeks, but I realised one lesson before leaving for Malaysia, was the importance of each person who call themselves the sons and daughters of the most high. I started to see even more of each person, why we were placed into relationships with each other.

Honestly, I've never been on a stage of relationship (apart from a lover) whereby I had one, this deep, intimate and close that yes, just by looking at their faces, I can tell what they are thinking and by the time we give an answer to our replies, they all coincide, same timing, same thoughts, same phrase, all at the same time. Yes, that is the impact of this special bond this bunch of people have and I treasure them with my life, perhaps due to the circumstances that we have journeyed through and is still journeying, but above all, the likeness of mind of how much more we just desire to seek His face, it is like a group of people who all they ever want, was to dwell in His courts forever.

These past few weeks that time has past, was all a reminder of the importance of what Love is. Love that is often misunderstood, desired or seek after, but few manage to find what the real meaning of it means. How humans were created with the innate desire to be loved and to love.

"And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (3) If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 ESV.

This bunch of people have taught me or have shown what is it like to love and in their very own ways, to love the Lord and be faithful with what the Lord has given them with. I appreciate and thank God for each one of them for they have taught me things that they believed and lived out in their daily lives, as we journey through our daily lives with one another.

Eunice - For your wisdom of your word and insights, it's amazing and refreshing
Alvin - For bringing heaven down onto earth each time you worship/call/pray, you are God's beloved son
En Min - For living a life of loving Jesus, of teaching me what the bride is and how one can fall head over heels and be intimate with Him
Cass - For seeing and sharing alot of things that the mere mind cannot see and understand, but the eyes of the heart can
Mark - For your prophetic words

I'm all still learning through each one of you but with each other, we have built each other up and helped one another gain another perspective in our walk of Him that we would otherwise take a much longer time to fulfill in this journey alone, all to help us grow deeper in our walks with Him, that the more you realise, the more you have to go and it only shows the glory and the infiniteness of Him.

As we each become the light of Him in each of your very own ways, may we never forget the seemingly least in our midst for the first shall be last, and the last shall be first, how each and everyone is important and there's a reason for each and everyone of you. May we continue to grow in love, for it is the greatest commandment, which is to love.


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