Thursday, June 24
I realised while carrying Taylor out today, after work where the admin side realised I play the guitar rather often, it gathers a lot of attention cause its a Taylor. The brown bag gets talked about cause its not a typical guitar bag color and its hard to miss cause Taylor's logo is printed in front of the bag.
2. People don't carry Taylors and take public transport, cause I believe many cab/drives. So far, I've only seen people carrying BT/BBTs only, which mine happens to be one too.
So yes, people have realised that as a girl, I have splurged on one which I suppose its really just that few girls who spends on a guitar.
So while walking, I realised I'm quite some strange person who still travels on public transport with my guitar around. I used to find it troublesome but have gotten past it to handle it, that it is actually relatively easy.
Been doing it since I was 17? And I'm still doing it till today. I do realise I still do enjoy worshipping and walking around the guitar with it. Somehow, I do feel real attached to Taylor, like its almost something natural to do.
I'll walk on, take him to places we both have not been before, and there. Start singing our love songs to our beloved. I really still do feel blessed and its still one of my dreams. I still do remember and I'm still running after it. loves.