Sunday, November 15
I just realised I haven't really been blogging at all, simply cause I haven't been spending anytime online at all, the moment I head for home. Judging from my previous entry, which was way back in September, when I was still unemployed and still finding a full-time job.
Yes, I've gotten a desk bound job, with a tad of calling up job seekers, to update their information, is pretty much my interaction with people, and the weekly face to face, job placement exercises. Can't say I hate my job and I can't say I love it either. I'm not sitting on the fence, but I don't hate what I do, neither do I oh-so-totally love it.
The dubby has been asking "update please", since I'm unwinding to Harry Connick Jr, which has that totally old school feel to the old classics, sitting in my room, in front of the laptop, I thought it'll be good to update eh?
Life has been more of my after six, after the time I knock off from work, meeting friends up for dinners/catch a movie/sit together and just chit chat/spending time with your family or love ones. I suddenly feel so much older now, like just in the couple of months and I start to understand why some people are the way they are now or behave the way they do.
I figured that what we're doing in life is spending our hours in life, in exchange for something. It could be monetary, could be for self fulfilling purposes (you could probably do Marslow Hierarchy of Needs), and just this week especially, has been questions on "How/What is the best way to best spend your time/ make an impact/ difference in this world".
I happened to just head on to Keith's blog and was reading an entry of his, and somehow, for that moment, felt "whoa, that's nice". Somehow it seems that teaching is always that choice for making an impact in people's life. I had that idea some months back, but sadly, didn't manage to be successful in my applications.
Evelyn was telling me about some famous company (can't remember the name) was having this recruitment exercise on some retail sales/marketing job, which looked decent, but I don't know. I haven't heard anything yet about changing over to any sides yet. The grass seemingly still looks green on my side, or rather, I haven't found anything yet that is greener on the other side. I still figure from time to time really, what has been prophesied over me and just wondering if they're ever gonna see the light of the day of being fulfilled? :)
Typing on this laptop is such a unfamiliar feeling, since I've been spending so much more time on my office NEC's desktop than my laptop at home. I guess its either time reading/watching house/guitar/sleep, when its down to my time alone. Still happy this laptop is working fine, I hope it doesn't die anytime soon, or its gonna be quite some headache. ahaha!
Anyways, I guess I don't really blog that often cause there seems to be quite alot of thoughts on my head nowadays, that I don't know where to start! That Facebook one liners, seems to be a much easier alternative. Blogging may have somehow lost its novelty with me probably.
In all randomness, today has been spent really quickly, just doing worship for the two services and heading out with Joanne in the afternoon. It was good to just let your hair back and just laugh and share and chit chat, with the younger ones. They're so full of energy, I miss those days, I seem to be in a far cry from where I was! Or perhaps maybe younger and more carefree. =D More time to do what you want, when you want, or perhaps I just really miss those blocks of personal time that I had for myself in the past couple of months.
Funny how when I was in it, I wanted a job so badly. Now that I've gotten one, I just want those slack days back again. I know, eventually I'll have to move on, but at times, perhaps I just want to be a kid all over, and do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want it. To not put in much effort and watch the world go by, the people, their activities and their movements and not be confined about the boundless possibilities of thoughts that go on your mind, without worrying "oh I need to sleep now, I need to wake now, I need to head to work now". Life's more regimented now.
I guess I'm just missing those carefree days, of spending nearly 2.5 hours on a bus, down the ECP, just watch the skies go by, where the world just passes you by. It makes me feel alive and excited. Not needing to worry about anything, what's the big deal about losing sleep at night? Those plentiful of late nights, countless MSN chats, movie/drama watching. LOL. Its just now, everything needs a little bit more of consideration, since 9.5 hours is nearly spent at work, the next 7 hours sleeping, 1.5 hours on travel, it just leaves you out with that 6 hours to do what you want. What and how do you want to spend it on?
I'll just always remember Gan-paps's, "the best investment is spending it on people's lives", who lives to collect testimonies nowadays. ahaha! =) I hope I'm doing it right with whatever little I have that at times, I wished I could do more, I had more hours. But its just the way it is, nothing more and nothing less. Take it or leave it? I'll just, take it I guess =) and be happy with what I have now, I'm still trusting :D