Tuesday, June 27
Dang~!! Blogging on notepad [which will tell you where i am now] again. oh darn. this flu of mine never seems to be leaving me. keeps coming off and on. i tell u. getting irriated. arhaar. but who's to blame except for my ownself. can't take care of my ownself ahhar. but aiyo. getting old. immunity level is getting low. damn. doesn't help with the flu and coughs bug is on everyone around, and we're all sharing the same air con unit, sharing that same sick. contaminated air. argh~. so darn helpless at times.
june's coming to a close soon and i can't help realising that time is really fleeting past me. and i'm getting cute. i know i wouldn't mind watching and catching the world cup fever but arhhaar. thinking about it watching wif that someone else. in the family. i get turned off one way or another. i don't know why. arhahra. no hatred feelings but i seem to be enjoying myself being in my own purple bedroom. taking up the 6 strings instrument and learn new stuff on it. its fun learning the Lifehouse - take it away probably learn Blind soon. its addicting aharhar. tried to play Iris the way Goo Goo dolls did. but you know what. you gotta get your guitar tuned to that specific abnormal way. arhahar. not gonna break my strings ahrhaar. so i gave up arhahar. Lifehouse shall do for now.
trying to learn more stuff so chord changing and hopefully my bar chords can improve and switch chord smoothly. ahhaar. there'll come this nice sound if its done well. arhahar. and get the strumming rite gurl =) playing alot more guitar arhahar. as compared to months before ahhara. there's a difference somewhere. arhahar. thanks to Glenda arhahra for teaching arhahar. the best of me for God arhhaar. whatever or whereever I am now aharhar.
EP rally is coming up ahrhaar. i'm hopeful. Hoping everything goes on well =) and when July 10th comes Coldplay arhhaar. everytime i think about it ahhaar. i feel kind of bad. arhahar. i got ticket to the gig thanks to Ashley + Wee. they got it for me. arhahar. awWw. its sweet but aharhar. its just expensive. =( but i'll just treat it as a way of rewarding ahrhaar. for getting past to coming 3 months of attachment arhhaar. and for overcoming the self doubt part of myself and start doing more for God. arhahar. breakthroughs. that's what i meant. first breakthrough came back after Cebu to come and learn to play better, in hopes of serving God one day. more breakthroughs to come =)
For learning the guitar was the last thing i ever wanted to do. I know strings instrument wasn't my forte but i heard a voice telling me. "Joyce, pick that up". I said "no. will never be able to learn it for nuts". cause when i was young, tried string instruments in CO back in primary school. couldn't get anywhere. arhahar. cause i had a believe. i need to see it to play it. arhhra. went on to the band and learnt something else. recorder. arhhar. everything that the recorder could do. arhhar. got bored. went on to the pianica. arhhaar. stopped music in secondary school. till the guitar came. arhhaar. played it for few months grew tired of it for never being able to play a decent song right. stopped. for some time. picked it up again when auntie Chris came to teach. Then stopped learning. ahhar. thinking knowing that mere 8 chords was all enough. only to realise there's so much more to learn after coming back from Cebu. Just when you thought you know the basics is not enough. arhar. that wasn't even basic man. arhhaar. that was mere necessities. arhhaar. somehow its getting off from here i suppose. anyways, its all for God now. arhhaar. though it looks like i play more circular music then worship songs ahrhaar.
Keep going. ahhar. maybe i'm just bored now after Korea got kicked out of the world cup ahrhaar. boringg. ahrhaar. cause this world cup thingy is getting so expected aharhar. *yawns. i think since 2000. its the last thing i dealt with soccer. arhaar. since Dennis Bergkamp retired ahrhaar. i think i've retired too aharhar. becoming such a frenzy mad place. arhahar. where oldies can't be in the game, cause soccer isn't just a mere game of 11 against 11. its more about putting players on for marketing purpose. to sell jerseys, meet advertisement deals. aharhar. good or no good. handsome and diamonds and woman and cars. arhhar. teams get better not cause of what they breed from the soccer academy but from imports and transfers. arhahar. its just a mere reflection of what is going on in the world too. awWw. so i guess i just ahrahar. quit watching. arhahar. dramas and indulge in my own fantasies where good triumphs over evil all over again arhhaar. =) living another day in this world. what's coming next. just a penny for my thoughts.
harhar. i'm still thankful for Friday arhahar. for meeting up wif Jojo + Splash and Flossie arhahar. it was a sharing session arhar least it is for me. arhhar. i think ppl see me in my usual jeans outfit for too long. arhaar. one time of business casual arhhaar. i look that different. arhahar. =) thank you.
[ps. i'm listening to soOo much more english songs nowadays. arhahar. but i still like the older ones not the new ones]