Tuesday, April 18
since i don't have any work to do for the moment, i am tired of overturning google everyday. arharhra. been doing a lot of reading and its like really annoying at times to search for the information that the bosses want. and you try as you might to produce the information that they want. surfing the entire day arhharhar.
well good in a way if you don't crack your brain to do reports YET. arhrahra. its in capital letters to make my point known that anything can happen in a time like this. wharhhaar. but anyways, its ok. i'm just like lassie. waiting for the clock to tick 5+ nearing 6 and then flee this place. arhahrar. sitting down whole day can be annoying with just my dear earphones plugged into my ears to provide me with music whilst i do my search and have www.radioblogclub.com playing. search for the song and just let the songs load randomly and get to know more english music. arhharhar. i've been listening to it alot more now arhhara. but the cool part is having non stop flow of milo from the vending machine. i like it. it companies me and keeps me awake. what will i do without this milo vending machine. i lurveee you.. ahrhar.
well the music i'm listening to are NOT the bimbotic kind lar. the gurls go "cool girls go round the outside".. or those that sings "i'll take you to the candyshop". those kind that really annoys me. arhhar. more band-ish music. arhharar. yeah. chinese music's pretty qiuet and korean's music soOo much into the american kind whereby its all like bimbotic.
using notepad here to type and then copy and paste what i wrote onto blogger. come on. strike 6 will ya arhahra. i'm sleepy in this nice cold environment in the office. =)
ouh and have i said? i splurged on an electric guitar. ahahar. some noob pack for starters. arhhara. trying to learn to play new things i suppose and i hope it gets somewhere. hopefully. ahhar. its fun cause its soOo distinct. and you can play around like adding distortions to it. nice huh? but don't worry, i won't dumb the wood guitar somewhere. its just different for the two guitars that's all. =)
and weirddd things have been happening to me. update more if i have the time. wait ppl blow my cover. ahrhaarar. sheesh. i am soOo not gonna work in an office next time lar. i can't stand 9-6 jobs. its monotonous. gimme a life man. puh-leasee. ahhaar. i kind of appreciate studying now!! arhhaar. i want skool. skool. skoo. can have all the time in the world and the best part is being able to stay up really late at nite and watch dramas. play my guitar. do all the things you ever want to cramp it up in your nite just before you head to bed. now how's that? i don't get to do it very often now cause i tend to do only one of the above things and head off to bed. well. that's my life for now. on WEEKDAYS only. i'm soOo gonna appreciate my weekends now. wharharhar. sheesh. lurve ya peeps!