Thursday, April 20
i saw the cute dude again. On my first day of attachment whereby i sat opposite of him. whilst i saw him today. he sat just right beside me on my favourite side. on my left. arhhaar.
and i just saw him today again. Coincidentally be it, or maybe it was meant to be. ahrhaar. couldn't help it man.
He's awesome looking. araaahar. and he has a "band" on his 4th finger on his right hand. ahrhraar. Yeap, he's a married man, in
his late 30s probably 40 at most.
hmm, i can't help not noticing him. arhhaar. the aura that he brings about. everything about him seems sweet. arhahar. darn!! well. dat's all cause the way he packages himself. awesome thick framed glasses. its dark brown in colour [pretty old skool]
but it suits his face. i like the way he styles up his hair. its not the funky young lads you see all around you. its just a little undone, bit messed up but just the right amount. he grew a little moustache around his chin area but arhahar. of course its well kept again. hence, he's got this really "man" factor on there. duh.. I can't help but he reminds me of a Ji-Jin Hee kind of guy. arhrahra. the smart intelligent sort, but smart and having a character of their own. arhahra.
sheesh. i haven't felt the way i did on the train for the longest period of time. arhrahar. looking on someone and then smiling and blushing all over. arhahar. it feels darn young. arhrahar. my observation shows:
- he carries a formal looking backpack alright. i don't know how many guys out there actually still do. its like the rare breeds
already, cause everyone is into sling bags or into hand carry briefcases
- he carries an ipod nano. arhahar. covered in yellow silicon casing
- he sits really cutely. arhrahar. as in he has his hands tucked well underneath his legs soOo dat people on his left and right
will have more than ample space to sit comfortably.
- he wears a tie to work everyday. i didn't remember or rather. didn't notice really if he had the knot tied or he tied it up himself.
if i ain't wrong, he tied the tie himself. awWw. many guys can't do that now. ahahar. ambarassing!! arhahar.
all in all, it was just soOo pleasing being able to see him again. arhhra. i wouldn't mind seeing him everyday to work. arhhrara. he keeps me smiling to work. and its definitely pleasing because today's friday and the end of the week is fast approaching. =)
which means the weekends are coming up. oh man. i haven't been looking forwards weekends for the longest periods of time because for all the previous weeks were holidays and it didn't give me a reason to look forwards weekends.. arhahra. but now i
do. the last time was me looking forwards my off days whilst i was working over at the expo. arharhar. well, now that the offices are stil near to the expo. arhahar. its fun =)
lunch was horrid. i mean yes its kim chi soup and rice but it turns out wayy too sour + spicy. arhrahar. loussy.. humphs* its ok. arharhr. packet of guava and oatmeal raisins cookies to cheer me up. arhahra.