Thursday, April 27
i'm falling asleep. arhahar. i thought i was gonna be really late for work but thankfully managed to be alrite. still recuperating from yesterday's dinner celebrations. from the crazy hide and seek i was playing with the people who came on to the sitting down and eating that super pepper-ish seafood pasta to eating my first ice cream cake. arharhra. i'm still waiting for a day for someone to get me a tirimisu cake. arhrahahar. lalallaa. *grins.
all in all, i just wanna thank each and everyone of you who were present at Swensen and for those who wrote cards, i'm touched by the words that is in there which includes Mr Lee's arhhraar. [hey. ya gonna be a very good investment in time to come] and to Ash + Kim Yee for pulling off your planning stint. arhharhar. to my secondary skool buddiez Jin Hui + Janna + Ling Li + Hwee Boon for all your gifts. arhahar. to Jayson for your voodoo cutie doll. [its dangling on my phone already, which i don't see what's so difficult in opening the hook with your bare hands. you gotta have skill!]
thank God i wasn't sabo-ed. I was honestly wondering if any of them were gonna get a guitar and ask me to sing there. THANK goodness ahrhra. it didn't happen. moral of the story, get a few song lyrics and chords in your head!! whahaar. I'm soOo bored, i'm bloogging in the office. i'll probably end up doing the e-journal soon too.
to wai yin thank you for the card you made. its really cute and the words. arhahra. yeah. its funny!! and to Jojo omma heading to Hong Kong, arhhar. enjoy yourself over there and yes. God take care of you over there. To Agnes thank you for your morning call and wishes. arhhar. that's the first one i received over the phone. to my Mom ahrhara. thank you for your baggie. i finally have a decent looking bag to go with my formal wear. arahrara.
and to all. who sent your wishes. thank you[s]sss arhhar. yes. it feels blessed when someone comes around and tell me that i've made a difference somehow, some way or another in your life.
well, and the ultimate which went "behind the smiles and laughters, lies a girl with many problems i face alone". ahrhra. correction, i was never alone =) the joyfulness comes from the one up there. who looks after me and to all the people placed around me. ahrhra. its the process how i got past or overcame each one of them that makes me who i am today, ahahara. and to share my living testimony to the rest =) lurve ya all. yes. blessed do i feel today and its all thanks to each one of you who made it. thank you =)
Thursday, April 20
i saw the cute dude again. On my first day of attachment whereby i sat opposite of him. whilst i saw him today. he sat just right beside me on my favourite side. on my left. arhhaar.
and i just saw him today again. Coincidentally be it, or maybe it was meant to be. ahrhaar. couldn't help it man.
He's awesome looking. araaahar. and he has a "band" on his 4th finger on his right hand. ahrhraar. Yeap, he's a married man, in
his late 30s probably 40 at most.
hmm, i can't help not noticing him. arhhaar. the aura that he brings about. everything about him seems sweet. arhahar. darn!! well. dat's all cause the way he packages himself. awesome thick framed glasses. its dark brown in colour [pretty old skool]
but it suits his face. i like the way he styles up his hair. its not the funky young lads you see all around you. its just a little undone, bit messed up but just the right amount. he grew a little moustache around his chin area but arhahar. of course its well kept again. hence, he's got this really "man" factor on there. duh.. I can't help but he reminds me of a Ji-Jin Hee kind of guy. arhrahra. the smart intelligent sort, but smart and having a character of their own. arhahra.
sheesh. i haven't felt the way i did on the train for the longest period of time. arhrahar. looking on someone and then smiling and blushing all over. arhahar. it feels darn young. arhrahar. my observation shows:
- he carries a formal looking backpack alright. i don't know how many guys out there actually still do. its like the rare breeds
already, cause everyone is into sling bags or into hand carry briefcases
- he carries an ipod nano. arhahar. covered in yellow silicon casing
- he sits really cutely. arhrahar. as in he has his hands tucked well underneath his legs soOo dat people on his left and right
will have more than ample space to sit comfortably.
- he wears a tie to work everyday. i didn't remember or rather. didn't notice really if he had the knot tied or he tied it up himself.
if i ain't wrong, he tied the tie himself. awWw. many guys can't do that now. ahahar. ambarassing!! arhahar.
all in all, it was just soOo pleasing being able to see him again. arhhra. i wouldn't mind seeing him everyday to work. arhhrara. he keeps me smiling to work. and its definitely pleasing because today's friday and the end of the week is fast approaching. =)
which means the weekends are coming up. oh man. i haven't been looking forwards weekends for the longest periods of time because for all the previous weeks were holidays and it didn't give me a reason to look forwards weekends.. arhahra. but now i
do. the last time was me looking forwards my off days whilst i was working over at the expo. arharhar. well, now that the offices are stil near to the expo. arhahar. its fun =)
lunch was horrid. i mean yes its kim chi soup and rice but it turns out wayy too sour + spicy. arhrahar. loussy.. humphs* its ok. arharhr. packet of guava and oatmeal raisins cookies to cheer me up. arhahra.
Tuesday, April 18
since i don't have any work to do for the moment, i am tired of overturning google everyday. arharhra. been doing a lot of reading and its like really annoying at times to search for the information that the bosses want. and you try as you might to produce the information that they want. surfing the entire day arhharhar.
well good in a way if you don't crack your brain to do reports YET. arhrahra. its in capital letters to make my point known that anything can happen in a time like this. wharhhaar. but anyways, its ok. i'm just like lassie. waiting for the clock to tick 5+ nearing 6 and then flee this place. arhahrar. sitting down whole day can be annoying with just my dear earphones plugged into my ears to provide me with music whilst i do my search and have playing. search for the song and just let the songs load randomly and get to know more english music. arhharhar. i've been listening to it alot more now arhhara. but the cool part is having non stop flow of milo from the vending machine. i like it. it companies me and keeps me awake. what will i do without this milo vending machine. i lurveee you.. ahrhar.
well the music i'm listening to are NOT the bimbotic kind lar. the gurls go "cool girls go round the outside".. or those that sings "i'll take you to the candyshop". those kind that really annoys me. arhhar. more band-ish music. arhharar. yeah. chinese music's pretty qiuet and korean's music soOo much into the american kind whereby its all like bimbotic.
using notepad here to type and then copy and paste what i wrote onto blogger. come on. strike 6 will ya arhahra. i'm sleepy in this nice cold environment in the office. =)
ouh and have i said? i splurged on an electric guitar. ahahar. some noob pack for starters. arhhara. trying to learn to play new things i suppose and i hope it gets somewhere. hopefully. ahhar. its fun cause its soOo distinct. and you can play around like adding distortions to it. nice huh? but don't worry, i won't dumb the wood guitar somewhere. its just different for the two guitars that's all. =)
and weirddd things have been happening to me. update more if i have the time. wait ppl blow my cover. ahrhaarar. sheesh. i am soOo not gonna work in an office next time lar. i can't stand 9-6 jobs. its monotonous. gimme a life man. puh-leasee. ahhaar. i kind of appreciate studying now!! arhhaar. i want skool. skool. skoo. can have all the time in the world and the best part is being able to stay up really late at nite and watch dramas. play my guitar. do all the things you ever want to cramp it up in your nite just before you head to bed. now how's that? i don't get to do it very often now cause i tend to do only one of the above things and head off to bed. well. that's my life for now. on WEEKDAYS only. i'm soOo gonna appreciate my weekends now. wharharhar. sheesh. lurve ya peeps!
Wednesday, April 12
apparently i haven't been blogging. but i'm using notepad to leave my thoughts behind for the moment.
i slept for 9 hours last night. amazingly didn't come online. but it was a good sleep.the office here lacks milo. arhahaar. its out.
and i ran up with Lavonne after visiting oursuperviser for the work of the day. its excel. arhahar. nice. we each grabbed a cup of miloand another person asked "there's no drinks on ur floor?"
"there is. milo ran out". arhhaar. we're gonna die without milo. arhhaar. ok workey time.i do hope i get the chance to post the pictures that i've been wanting to do so. but the last time was that i got dc and the post didn't mananged to publish. *sigh* wireless isn't that good all the time.