Sunday, June 22
I totally hate coming back home after being away from it. It is such a great way of dealing with the many things that are coming your way, incessantly that you just want to get away from all the madness sometimes.
Life as it is should be one that is simple and fulfilling, being able to find joy in the simplest pleasures of life. The people of the nations seem to always get this better than us and how we seem to never ever get it. Of course, the fight for survival is so rife for them and while trying to make ends meet and just trying to survive is so hard, you realize how much you have. With the simplest possessions and things that they have to survive, their promise and their faith never fails to speak volumes of a God they know and have experienced.
I revert to the draw and the pull of what I dream of a life of what it should be vs one that many others dream of and make out of. One that I know what makes others happy doesn't make me happy and one that can get lonely, often fighting for what I dream of that many dares to call a fairy tale.
One life that should be as simple and as basic as possible and to know what should be within means than gunning for what many others go for because it keeps them in pursuit. In meaningless pursuits that many city dwellers and wealthy individuals go after because that provides some sort of comfort, goals and another level of attainment that they can satisfy their own self ego and pride, looking well to do and an image to keep for the public.
Again and again I head out to the nations and I come back to this conviction and conclusion that we certainly have not tasted what true happiness is and how hurting many many people are. When we have so little, in that lack, there is unhappiness. But in that wealth with so much more that we have, we still continually face with that unhappiness if not that loneliness and emptiness.
With so little, many of them often hold on to the simplest things that are closest to their hearts - a good health and one that everyone gets to perhaps have a good job or studies, do well and have good relational ties with their families.
Families take on a bigger picture and meaning perhaps it is because it is all that they have. As much as it might be one that gives you the biggest headache, the common human desires that strings us altogether is relationships.
The love and affection of one to love and to be loved and accepted, be it by another certain individual that you may yearn for. To be recognized and accepted in a family, where we have strong and sturdy relationships with our siblings and parents.
Of course many will call this, the dream life that many think it's some sort of fairy tale. But I think one should begin to start realizing how we have been made to live in a community than an island on your own. To realize truly when He said that it is much more joyful to give than to receive and the message of love that is the greatest thing of it all and to realize how much truth sits and lies in there that we have not even began to search the depths and realize the goodness that He intended and lies in there.
To spare a Thought for someone else beyond yourself, putting others before yourself and to serve one another in that manner of love is a call not for the greats only but truly each other that can make the difference of one that sets them apart from the ordinary.
Yes, we live in a fallen world and yes we have been hurt while we have been nice and being taken advantaged of. But the precise reason why the endless circle continues because of the warped mentality that we have adopted, to put up our defenses up for fear of another setback, takes away the greatest chance and opportunity of what we were born for to do.
Above all else, I'm starting to realize the reason of why love has been the greatest call. Nothing else can overcome the powers of loneliness, hurts, anger, hate, failures, unforgiveness, living in plights and situations that some should not be and in that warrants us to feel that this life is completely hopeless.
Truly the seed that lies in this upward call of love and to love, that transforms and brings life and a power we have not yet seen and understood but has been shown centuries before. My hope and desire is to pray and hope that many more will see, know and experience this love and lover of you.
I suppose that brings meaning to everything else and makes everything else of people, thing and situation secondary regardless of how hopeless and grim it is. A love big enough to bring you back from the ruins of your soul that you so desire to self destruct and destroy because life gets so hard.
That will be the very life source that I realize what the people in the many nations have realized and have seen and they lean on and desperately call for in their times of need, because miracles and supernatural providence is what they have left in their dire situations and it is all that separates them at times from the edge of death to life.
That provides them the courage and strength to face another day regardless of circumstances and their hearts that want to stay faithful and true till the very end. That teaches me how hold on and grants me the strength to hope again and to stand like them. Why we need each other once again? Because we need to.