Monday, October 24
:) sums up what I am feeling for the week, I discover that as I write this entry as I end the week, sitting on my bed and thinking about the week that has past me, it is somewhat comforting, upon thinking about the things to share or talk about and the many things to give thanks for.
Siko and Bobo is still in the making, I have been drawing a lot more this week and the next, because of the longer storyline and also to prepare for the coming activities in November, that will take a different twist from the usual kids club program, perhaps with more drama, art lessons (yes, Iʼve actually come up with 4 art lessons to get kids to draw, for those who are keen) and some other coloring and drawing competitions.
There will be a couple of public holidays like a Youth Day and an Independence Day (if my memory doesnʼt fail me), and we were thinking about getting kids to perhaps think about their ambitions or what they will like to be when they grow up, what Timor will be like in 2020, so Iʼve been trying to draw some pictures so the kids can visualize and perhaps kickstart their thought process. Creative thinking or coming out with ideas of their own, isnʼt quite a norm here and so hopefully, this will get the kids to start dreaming!
Funny how I was discussing this idea of ambitions with LS and was kind of asking if it is a problem here that the kids donʼt know what they will like to become, and when she said yes, I marveled at the knowledge that I had, which was one of the reasons I felt strongly led to come here and be among the children! Thinking back, the last time I came, I didnʼt have that much of the interaction with the kids, but the general sensing that I had that was strong enough to became a conviction of mine. Putting it into words is marring the beauty of it - but you get it, and I sat there and smiled, that it was a “it can only be God” moment(:
I havenʼt or have never drawn so much before on a basis like that, like it is almost daily, like it is some form of practice, it is menial, time consuming and a lot of hard work but all is good and I have nothing to complain about as I watch the kids themselves work on the things that I have drawn, keeps the joy of creating all these drawings going - I really do enjoy seeing the colors off these kids art work, yes Iʼve been leading the bigger classes too, passing out instructions, guiding them around.
It turns from this (on the left) to the one on the right! The kids worked in pairs to work on this worksheet on sharing, so each person takes a character and learn how to color together and their work got pinned up around the class, look at their joy and fascination of their own work?
This is like a pledge card about helping one another, that as I did examples, these younger kids decided what they will like to do, to help one another and design up their cards.
Sigh, I was quite in awe and marveled by these little kids, by what they managed to draw, color and write, having examples gave them handles on how to draw the faces and clothes on :) So pretty and cute right?! (Ok, I have a bias towards toddlers art, it is always so precious and hilarious!)God has His moments of answering my cries - of wanting to see and play with very young puppies and the neighbors dog gave birth to a litter of 6 a few weeks back, and I got to play with it on one of the nights as they wandered towards SL and Dawn, thanks to them constantly talking about Blackie (our current dog) and her past days as a puppy, I got my share hee hee. The little joys of the week included a Friday team breakfast at the beach at Crystalrade, because my language teacher had to invigilate at the schools for the national exams, Iʼve got 2 weeks of break from language learning and the team thought we should eat together for breakfast, since I didnʼt have lessons.
Ok, I added this to show you how mangoes are eaten here and the many ways of using a pen knife - I am serious, this is how the Timorese eat their mangoes everywhere they are! I saw a lady using a penknife slicing mangoes at some government office too, intrigued by the little things of life that passes me by. This is Naza by the way, another one of the student teacher, amazing in her own ways!
On a personal note, Iʼll just share a testimony of things that are happening back at home that was spurned on by a dream. (Yes, I have been dreaming a lot more here, somehow and it has been an answered prayer. I havenʼt dreamt for a large part of my life since I asked for it to be closed, since when I was a child, I was getting way too much nightmares but a few months back, felt God leading me to pursue dreams again).
It was about me and my cousin being at a huge mall, saw her life flash me by, of how she went to school and then went on to work and how she was still looking for something, till she went into a store, got dressed as a teacher and I suppose, found her joy in being a teacher, as she came out rejoicing and all happy. It was really quite out of the blue since
we havenʼt been in contact for a while as we both became YOWAs but I thought I will just share the dreams with her and it became a reconnecting point.
While sharing how it has touched and moved her that God still cares and loves her and made her realize how she miss the good old times we spent together and realize my point of doing my stint over at Timor, she revealed that she has been attending church more regularly and being in church more often made her realize why we should be doing missions! It was really quite a wowing moment because I never expected the huge reaction and much less, that God was already moving in her that has gotten her to be more regular at church lately, which was something I have been praying since I was 14?
So to say - 10 years or however long the number of years it is, to see a breakthrough or see Him move, He is faithful to His calls, words and promises that He has spoken over you and it is another thrust forward for me that when He says when you believe in Him, you
and your entire household gets saved, I am seeing the glimpse of it and am still pursuing it and that He knows the desire of your heart.
Do keep praying for:
- The teamʼs health - LS has been bothered by this persistent cough, is getting better but pray for complete recovery. Dawn has just been plagued by this tummy ache lately that hurts and leaves her without much appetite. It is getting better, but again, pray for complete recovery and good and clean bill of health for all of us please!
- SL: Heads to Jakarta for a conference and she will be sharing on Timor, pray that it will be a good and refreshing time at the conference as she goes on her break after that
- Students/Teachers/Kids: It is the same request week in and out, haha and it still is. Pray as you get led then, Iʼm sure God is doing something in the lives of all of them.
- Cocoon will be renting 3 more rooms, just behind the location of where the library is, as an extension of facilities. Pray for God to reveal just how the rooms will be used (one will be used as a lounge area for the teachers to chill out) and how it will be done up or to whatever is upon His heart, to grant us revelation and wisdom.
- Me: For continued flow of creativity, grace and love in all things that I do and as to however you feel led! Haha!Time to sleep, it is getting late, till then! (ps: a shot of me of those who wonders how I look on Skype from Timor. It is hard to get on, both parties need to have the right timing of availability, and then I will need to have electricity running on my side and a connection good enough to sustain a video call? Video calls at best only last for 7 minutes - Funny eh?)
Loves and misses, Joy Joy