Thursday, October 13
The title is the favourite question of everyone on the team that usually pops up either at the dinner table or when we end a day and is returning home to have our dinner, we will actually have to remind each other which day of the week it is. Time in Dili tends to take on a different twist, whereby at times, the day or week may seem like a long one, but the moment you think about it, time seems to fly you by and you wonder how and what did you do for the entire week that just went by?
Tomorrow marks a start to another week and also marks a significant day for Cocoon! They are going to sign the papers tomorrow that will mark 2/3 of the registration process of Cocoon as an NGO. You cannot comprehend enough of the way things work over here than back at home, since you are so used to the systematic, quick and hassle-free ways of processing that I had a brief taste of Timor work style as I did my medical checkup as part of my visa application.
It often gets laborious because of the possibilities of making a few more trips over certain small details you may overlook - that includes a requirement to be dressed appropriately,file colors that you use to submit your documents, lack of some photocopies of documents that you do not have and get turned away for a million reasons! I have heard horror stories from the experienced ones and so far, the submissions has been really successful apart from a nurse who jabbed me at the same spot another doctor from another clinic took blood test from me the previous day, that led to quite a squirt appearing on her outfit and my arm, messy but I survived and was still quite alarmed that she would pick the same EXACT needle spot, where I have quite a large surface area on my arm. (the same day, we heard of Steve Jobʼs passing)Aze and Migi made their debut appearance this week and it was well-received by the kids, as LS read lines of the story out and the kids could guess which picture corresponded with the story line!
So Aze and Migi goes on further with more coloring worksheets made for the kids and with the months of the year drawn out. Drawing/Illustrating has become quite a regular thing over here and I will be working on the Cocoon story next up, a story of a cocoon who turns into a butterfly and a monkey, (where monkeys here share a significant meaning among the team and it has a story on itʼs on) :)
Apart from developing worksheets, a Tetun student, Iʼve been tasked to handle the bigger kids in the kids club, so I get a larger platform to put my language into use and a chef on Mondays and Thursdays for dinners.(Yeap, what an all rounded experience eh?) I became a part-time mommy too, as I carried Vanessa during bible study lesson, so Alloe could better concentrate while Vanessa slept on me. (*winks at Charissa and the shirt! :D )
So during bible study with the boys (student teachers), now in their uni year, are having it hard with the influx of philosophies around, being questioned if their religion is still real or valid in that sense and SL was sharing on how we should set our focus about the wisdom on the Lord kind of message. Suddenly at that moment, I realized just how similar or least the things that we young people go through as we are being bombarded by the many information around (philosophies/science/new religion/news/information) and again, reminded me of the importance of knowing and being rooted in the word. Hard to explain it into words but one of the many light bulb moments that makes me realize again why certain things has to be done and seen in a certain manner.
The weather has been getting really hot lately (Timorʼs heat is quite something really) and I have adopted new habits of having cold showers to feel nice and taking naps from time to time during the siesta timing after lunch to keep the energy levels up and I had a lovely surprise today! - I met Uncle Kim Chye today as he brought mangoes down from Liquica and I managed to give him a big hug, so good to see him, since Iʼve came here :) (Liquica is some drive away from Dili)
Things to pray for:
- Cocoon successful application as an NGO as it goes through the signing and the overall
procedures to be smooth
- For me to be coherent and have sufficient language to handle the bigger kids and the
giving out of instructions
- For Dawnʼs back, she suffers from a slip disc and from time to time, it seems to get a little painful for her
- Keep praying for the kids/youths and student teachers! God moves in different ways
among them and for my favourite boy - Atito, he turned up for kids class last Thursday
dressed smartly with a collar shirt and berms looking really dashing, is making efforts to
sing the songs being taught (which really isnʼt there when I first saw him) and he said
something nice to a girl beside, since the kids were supposed to give affirming words to
one another, sigh - so proud of him loh.
- If God could make it to have more clouds around, so the sun wouldnʼt be too glaring :D
Thatʼs it for now - time for bed and Iʼm getting sleepy, good nights and
Joy Joy