"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Tuesday, July 19

The beautifying factor of how everything just comes out beautiful, marvelous, good, everything that is well with your soul, I'm thankful, happy and glad and it pushes me on, unto what is next. Not so much about what is ahead, but the matter of making that plunge and that step to soar. It feels almost weird to get here, but you are and the next step will require even more faith and definitely greater commitments with being with Him.

What was deemed impossible 2 years ago, here i am standing, above all of them, that God has turned my then dream of an impossibility into a possibility, continues to move me, strike me, and I begin to question what else is impossible and turning it unto Him and watch Him move every mountain and boulder out of the way.

Reaching towards the end of this internship has been great fun, above all, having the chance to establish and build relationships and watch how the pastoral team works together, support one another, love one another and encourage one another. If you have been along side them, you will very much want to contend with them, for them. I believe they deserve so much more, so underrated and often overlooked that at times, I wish they were more well loved. But as the saying goes, I'm sure God sees them and will surely bless them richly.

The amount of toil, tears, sweat and prayers in their own bedrooms and private time with God, because of the nature of the work, the amount of man hours you plunge and literally make your "work", a part of your life, integrated into your schedule, and welcome every person as much as you can, to care after your sheeps, only speaks forth the love and care that CPC has been very well blessed with leaders, who has watched and have been a part of our past days till today.

It is something that the younger generation has been riding on, the prayers, love and dedication of many prayer warriors and faithful leaders, serving to see, the many next generations to rise and stand on their ceiling that becomes our floor, that we will arise and soar even higher.

If we would spend more time looking around in church and knowing our past from the older dudes and dudettes, we have so much in there and I suppose how can God not ever look with the church, and for us to realize how much more He has for everyone of us and for the church as a whole. Many of whom are still contending for since their days of youth, till where they are now, haha, never fails to amaze me :) For their love and dedication and their desire to see God's will on earth as it is in Heaven, for the many dreams, visions and revelations that He has planted into them years ago, seeing a fraction and a glimpse of it happening now. Can we ever not get excited for what He has installed for us?

It always gets me excited year in and out, where the glimpses increases more and more and you see even more of Him in our midst, transforming individual lives, changing families, where breakthroughs move on all levels, individually, corporately. He is invading our space and invading right into your hearts, wherever you are, whatever circumstances you are in, whatever you are going through, whatever past you have - It doesn't bother Him at all, He is still running after you and invading your space, right into your hearts and lives.

Taking a day off, have just spent yesterday and today, resting and reading, taking it slow. I wish I could do more of these, cause it is so refreshing to just be quiet and enjoy the stillness. Where the immense feel of peace and the thought of Him just enjoying You as you take delight in Him and I can really watch Him smiling down. I wish it will be forever like this ahaha.

In any cases, take faith and courage - the God we so love, is alive, yes, very much alive and kicking. He is gonna be doing so much more and I am really waiting for the day to watch that battle scene of Him coming on a white horse, clothed in a robe dripped with blood, along with an army clothed in fine linen, white and clean, following Him on white horses. And that battle, hahaha. Just massive! I was grinning as I read about it in Revelations this morning.

For the first time, reading revelations gets me all "oh yeah" and excited when I used to approach the book with fear, but like my favourite someone goes, "it is a book of hope". I used to go ew at the book and he'll tell me "really, look into it, it has so much hope in there". I remembered going "how on earth does that sound like hope to you?" to realize, yes it is that hope, of good triumphing over evil, because of a good God who loves us so much. How the battle will be won, it has all been written, how He will triumph, to rule and reign forever and enjoying the reunion and the companionship of Him forever. Oh yes - sweet.

It can never be down days all the time, there will be an ascension, we will fall, but rise and rise again till lambs become lions. I'm not saying it for the sake of it, but you won't be down all the time. that is the greatest beauty, where the weak says I am strong, when we arise again, growing stronger. There will be tears, but there will be a day where He'll wipe away your every tear, there will be no longer any pain or suffering. We don't have to wait till we die lah, I'm sure we can experience that in our earthly lives, of Him wiping away your tears, but the one day where not very nice things no longer exists :)

In all the greatest joy is living out the promises He has said and watching them come to past, is soo fun. To know what His desires are for me and to be living in the desires and plans He has for me, journeying every part of the way, every thought and emotion that I had, every struggle and weakness I have, how He turns everything I see that is ugly, unworthy, into what He sees me as beautiful, worthy and everything worth it, continues to amuse and amaze me, keeps me happy, even if man fails in pursuing you ahhaa, you can trust in this romancer - Always, always pursuing you :) I like it that way, and every girl loves to be pursued. Haha.

Holding onto Isaiah 45:2-3, because it has so much in there to me -

"I will go before you and level the exalted places. I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in the secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord of God of Israel, who call you by name".

I'm still going forth, going in and journeying into the depths :) Take faith and courage!


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