"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, June 22

I came face to face with him yesterday, stared at him straight in the eye and wondered, "what does it take to take him down?". His greatest strength? He stays on as long as you want him to and he is as powerful as you enable him to be.

Similar to hope, which redeems and gives you strength to live another day, unbelief is a destructive force of that it paralyses you, it leaves you hopeless, dry, dreamless, visionless and one that steals, kills and destroys.

This is not the first time I have met him but I do not like him at all. The best part of what he enjoys doing to me, is not taunting me, but taunting the very people around me, that has difficulties trying to hope and believe.

I stand at a point, where I know I do have a choice. I can choose to be that fool that many sees, that it is an impossible, faraway daydream that I have, that is never, ever going to make it.

I stand at a point, where I can choose to stop believing, give up, get out, and watch the people I love, get crushed by the impossibilities and the fears that many have, that nothing in their lives can be changed, that they are destined to be nothing great, and powerless people, contented with status quo, where their very dna, knows of a greater being and hope, of someone who sees, knows and loves them.

I stand, knowing that the key does not lie in my hands at all, but in the hands of the many individuals themselves, who has a choice. They can choose to live lives with the voices that tells them the lies that they are useless, not beautiful, every other thing or choose to hear and believe the words of Daddy that says who you are, how He sees you as.

A choice to live lives the way they know, they are unhappy about and one that yearns for a better change, but yet not knowing how to bring about that change but can choose to believe the great I am, that He is for us, He can do it for us and He is with us.

You kill me softly somewhere, somehow, but as I fall, I know I will arise again. "Rise and rise again till lambs become lions". I will choose to hold on to the very convictions of what He has told me and promised me.

I am at wars, while my physical mind and body tells me, I'm just battling a losing war, my spirit stands - relentless and in complete refusal that God will not just let things be. He is a God of breakthroughs, a God of change, a God of miracles, and a God who believes in us all, because He loves.

I'll fall, but may we all come back stronger, that the very same thing you struggle with, be the very thing you'll overcome, that you become that overcomer, that He lends strength to the weak.

Let the weak say I am strong, let the blind say I can see. In this fight, I can't help anyone fight but I can only continually, choose to either hope and believe and journey through with them, in a God who sees, loves and cares.

So today, my head sings "I stand amazed at the wonders, of Jesus the Nazareth, and wonder how He would love me..." and I'll proceed on to sing the precise thing I need now "I need you more".

After everything, I still love to say this - I still love you Jesus:)


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