Monday, November 15
It is a funny feeling with my last week @ Temasek Polytechnic this time round as a staff. Though I wasn't dealing with the students but with the older generation of men, who are keen in joining the security industry, it has been an experience :)
It is a time of mixed feelings that as I spent 14 months with the company, just imagining that 14 months ago, I was job hunting ans just wondering what I should be doing with my life and now it is time to say goodbye again.
Can't say I haven't learnt anything at all when working with Edwin has by far been one of the most exciting days at work. Meticulous, a keen eye for details guy who really has taught me to be more detailed in my work and not to be too careless/suay bian in my work.
Having the chance to see how hard the people from the lower income groups work so hard to provide a living themselves or people, that though they have reached past their retirement age, they still have to work to support themselves as for those who are less fortunate, that they say their kids are not reliable and to be safe to ensure they have a decent life. For the more fortunate, they are working simply to keep themselves nimble, being both mentally and physically active.
It puts a lot of things into perspective as you come into contact with people from all sorts of background, you take a look at ourselves, how prevalent the self seeking mentality and attitude we possess the at times, is quite irksome. We can't seem to get enough or be contented with what we have and often a times, chasing after the next technology gadget, latest fashion and trends, the next holiday, the next activity to pick up, another lesson, another hobby or another television drama to watch.
Self gratification and the need to feel good becomes a new language that everyone speaks and everything else becomes secondary. I think about the future of these younger generation who are grown and immersed in this culture that seems so natural and the only rightful and cool thing to do, I wonder what is going to happen to the older generation of our parents and grandparents and how will they be living in years to come =/
Life was much simpler back then. Jayson was saying how hard it is to chase the simpler pleasures of life and attaining things that seem much simpler.
So let's strip off everything we have, the status, glamour, riches, I wonder who we are and what do we become. Perhaps back to the basics where life was really all about surviving and meeting our most basic needs and perhaps the need of love.
The simple life seems so complicated now and almost impossible to attain for many, for many build their lives chasing after their next goals of wants, desires to needs.
Perhaps humans are actually very simple creatures but with time and to ease our boredom, how we've become so complicated as we come come with a never ending list of things to immerse or give our attention to.
What are we living for? :) Is a good thought today again. I'm just glad the exit interviewer today was a gracious man who least could understand my motives for leaving, in any cases, all is good.