Sunday, August 2
This week has been a crazy week, that as i sit and put a closure to this week, which I am glad to really do this. The entire week has merely been spent lying on the bed, first trying to make sense of my back spraining incident that seems so trival, wondering how on earth did it happen. And just simply by reaching out for my facial foam and letting out a deep cough, i couldn't move my back from then on. Rolling was hard, pulling up my pants after peeing wasn't that easy either, climbing and walking was simply back breaking.
It isn't my first time experiencing a back sprain but it was one of the most disabling one for the day. Thank God for lovely prayers from Chass that really made me move, and before that from the dubby and my sister that helped made the pain manageable. The day after was a visit to the Sinseh and gosh, I do realise that when I'm in pain, I do not cry but giggle it away. Mom was saying I have to be the most noisiest patient the Sinseh ever had.
I thought all was over, and came the next day of falling into a fever and a flu, that took me another 2 days to recover. By then, its already Thursday. It did seem to feel that everything just don't seem to go my way for the week, and tormenting in a sense of just lying on the bed, to rest continuously. Popping panadols, filling the entire bin up with tissue balls and simply drinking up water isn't the most funnest of things to do, but that took 2 days. I was glad to have the fever gone on the next day, but the most irritating portion was simply to just be up and well all over again.
Finally, today's Sunday and I can greatly scream before today ends, that my back feels all better already, fever is gone and my flu is pretty much left to small tiny bits that I can say its quite negligible. Had a great walk down from City Hall to Orchard with the Sunday lovelys. I thank God for each and everyone of them, for making Sunday's different. The walk was reflective and good after what Pastor Enoch said today, that i realised and felt the beauty of Chinese once again. In just mere simple words, the depths that the words brings about, i was quite taken away and I could really say, i was 100% attentive during the entire session. Just sapping up on the matters of perspective, on what really matters in life. Would it be the internals or the externals? For often enough, we tend to place emphasis on the matters of life that are actually the most trivial. And the matters in which we should be placing our entire heart and soul into it, we simply either choose to ignore it, or simply can't be bothered with it.
I did learn at the end of the day, what many things that are easily taken for granted for daily, like health can be actually be easily overlooked upon from time to time, in our forever busy lives. Rolling over in bed seems like the most easy thing to do, took me triple the efforts to just sleep on my sides. Reaching for my pants after peeing seems like the most natural thing to do, took me nearly twice the time taken to pee and get out of the toilet. Reaching for things seems so easy, now am reminded that I should take some care or least bend over to pick things up.
Suffered a horrid headache, to be even more determine to go into a period of worship with my guitar and thereafter, rush over to the toilet to puke my doublecheese burger out after my late supper. Felt better and I'm quite sure finally tonight, I can sleep a natural sleep due to real tiredness, and be at peace with it. I'm thankful :)