Thursday, January 3
*yawns. its first day of school. nothing much apart from the fact that every single lecture notes shall have to be downloaded and self printed. and the best part is SIM doesn't have excellent facilities as compared to TP. i really miss TP. the laserjet printers that are such a breeze and apparently don't seem to exist in my current school pfft. well i guess i just have to dump everything to the ultrasupplies and as a matter of fact, i don't think it will be cheap but i guess it will be cheaper as compared to self printing it on my kuku printer at home HAHAHA.
oh wells. anyways whatever with notes. *BURN. ahaha. kidding but i was playing with pictures again today. with my new watch! yay! been eyeing one for sometime and well it was with the voucher that one of the aunts gave me and tada. ahaha. i must be crazy but some shots of today.
the ferrari car! sexy. but wells, i still like my BMW Z4, black//red//silver. WHICHEVER. EH. my mobile pictures are getting better ar LOL. it is a mobile shot ahaha but whatever, of course with photoshop HAHAHA.and these are my assets (taken with my canon PS) that looks so rich ahaha. but actually they are over time over long long time ahaha. and i realised when i was heading home on the bus when i went to get the watch, that my thingies are all black and i have this obssession with black. i just totally find it so sexxy. *drools ahaha. that my outfit today is black. and my glasses HAHAHA. shoes are white, my bag's white. ahaha. yes that's my previous police watch i got for myself last year, and another watch this year which is the casio's. muahaha, it looks expensive ahha or rather they both look expensive lah, but they're ok. i'm waiting to splurge on a HAMILTON. DANG. i'm waiting for that day ahaha.
so here's the new addition to my collection the new baby man. i'm still wearing it to get it seasoned ahaha. sickening me. my fettish with watch. i seriously wished i had more money ahaha. like i have so many hands ahaha. the calvin klein one i saw today was sexyyy dang. simple face, ahaha was it black. nicee. but oh wells. and as a matter of fact let me scare you, this shot is taken with my mobile phone on a stationary bus HAHAHA. of course again photoshopped ahaha. apparently the funny part is when i tried to take it with my bigger cam, the face doesn't appear. i think the mobile phones are seriously made to capture shots close up, the macro modes of both cams have such vast performance, i'm pretty shocked. THE BIG CAM LOSES TO THE SMALL MOBILE CAMS. or is SE phone's cam seriously that power. or my big cam doesn't have auto-focus. PFFT. DSLR PLS? =) last but not least. a self shot of me. for fun. with my mobile again ahaha. its fun destressing with cameras. and this shall be a self taken shot with my mobile again. fun =D posterish. poserish but all for fun. ahhaa =D