Wednesday, January 2
hello and i'm back. and i suppose i should have a change in fonts for a while since its the new year. to arial ahaha, from trebuchet. i love trebuchet but i mean for a change. and yes i've finally took the time to free myself.
ahaha i was back long time ago, after the hong kong trip but it just was crazy man. after coming back on the 7th dec, there was worship the next day. ahha, work on another week, there was Jane + Gary's wedding, then it was christmas. then last week was over at uncle henry + carol's place with their new house. hoo hoo.i couldn't seriously have time to just sit down and do all these pictures . either i'm zombed or too busy with the plentifuls like christmas shopping for the many dearies around me. wrapping preparation, time with everyone inclusive of family and friends. spent christmas, then boxing day came, slack around loads of drama watching, eating and sleeping during this period of time whenever i could find the time. i finally finished 60 episode long of "drive of life" which is some achievement ahaha. MIU KIU WAII!!! ahhhh, he makes me jello wobbly whenever he smiles. its a great show on life. i loveee it and seriously, in my sense, haven't found a show that has yet beat it in terms of content, (yes i'm content vulture happy now mr moo? you're no more emo boy la. anyhow. call yourself silly or uhm. mr moo? LOL) plot, character development, actors/actresses protrayal that had climax like D.O.L. rocks and kick ass. could go on like forever ahhaa. till it ended, kind of sad it ended but happy that i'm done with it ahaha.
i had alot to type initially before starting out my massive 2-3 hours of photoshopping which isn't much on picture edits but on the aesthetics of everything, the cropping, resizing, bordering, fonting, took me that long and yes the rotating. massive. i'm tired but i'm satisfied. my eyes are closing but no. justin's accompanying me on the pod. cause i'm blasting it through the phones in my ears from the ipod video. its my new toy ahaha well not exactly but its great stuff to meee. jacky cheung was accompanying me when i was feeling more feelingfuls. it kind of dissipated into thin air as i started all the photoshopping my mind seems to be in a blank. now that i'm pretty much exhausted.
looking back at the hong kong pictures, 85% of them are all shots by me, ahaha if you're wondering. apart from some self shots taken of me alone, are taken by others. whaha, mostly are self taken oh zhi lian kuang is my name. alot alot of shots but no way am i gonna upload every single one but just some highlights of my favourite shots. its fun photoshooting in the middle of the street as i was feeling terribly hungry, my shopping mode stopped and i started snapping CAMERA WHOREEE. WHOO. ok. yeah that's me. till i was done shopping it was time to head for dinner at some cha can ting whahaa. and have dinner i still remember cause i was obviously terribly hungry.
aftermath of the trip is seriously, i'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms that every single time i watch tvb dramas, i just relive the days there. the foods alright, shopping but i love their milk tea and gong zai mian. give me that every day. their beer is awesome too, ahaha blue girl and chips at night in the hotel room. people dress really well there, guys are cute, girls are pretty. indulge a little in their culture, the weather's so fine. i miss it really. and i'm dreaming of heading there to stay for sometime ahaa, haven't found myself loving any place that much. down under don't seem to please me, maybe after all, i'm rice-ed. yes kantang? ahaha. yes stop pushing me, i'm updating.
if you're just wondering what lately this girl is doing, isn't really much. on her holidays which her holiday is left to a final day today and i'm heading back to school on thursday (how excellent). all day long here's what i do. i repeat. she wakes up in the morning, brushes, heads over in front of the tele, and start her cable on channel 55. soon it'll probably be brunch. its ok, she gets bored of what's on cable, she switches on to and continues her tvb drama addiction. i'm mad. ahaha, and it can go on till cow knows. ungodly hours at night. till she decides "okay joyce that's enough" time to go sleep kind of thing and it repeats. ahaah, but to be exact its just the most 1-2 weeks of life like this. ahaha. before that was working at TMIS, for some 2 weeks and went off to hk =X ahaha. where the people and the boss there was really nice.
in all i'll just let the pictures do the talking. and then it was new year's right? it was double date to watch fire works at marina south, with the boy, and jinyi + eric. ahaa, k what crap, it was expensive and there weren't rooms it was like we were just meant to head and cramp up for the jam at marina south and it was 8 minutes of pleasure and joy just watching the fireworks and supper at mac @ bradell near jinyi's place. ahaha, and today another day of tv and food. man life's great like that but you know, you can't get too much of it, you'll scream of boredom. life. ahaha. i'm gonna sleep and enjoy my final day of the holidays, school really isn't that appeasing in a way, but i suppose it beats working. but then again, oh whatevers and come what mays.
thank God for 2007 as it draws to a close. crazy year, but i can only say, its been a hell of an emotional ride for me. alot of happenings and realisation lessons and "say what you say - now mean what you say" lessons for myself seriously. of letting go, releasing, accepting, believing and hoping times. been through it all, can't say i'm all grown up but i can say i feel older. going through all the experiences, and above all, thank God for lovely people around.
friends that can brave weather and storms with you, that when you break in front of a computer, you can still be comforted by the person across. people who have been praying behind the scenes, caring, sending words of encouragement, looking out for me. lending a helping hand when i'm down. and that very one who sits, listens, throws an arm over your shoulder and cry together. every pillar of support around and to God who have made everything possible. i fall, i fail, i weep, i cry, i break. but i think its the courage built to stand up time and time again to get your feet on the ground, keep it grounded. and face the obstacles head on, once, twice or time and time again, till you learn.
good or bad through every single thing that has happened this year, i'm thankful. you take the good, you take the bad. cause at the end of the day, if life had choices, and made you choose if you want only the good and not the bad, i'll still take everything that had happened. cause without the bad, you'll never learn how inadequate i myself can be, inapt, unable that i am able to realise where i'm lacking of, and learn to look on the things that i already have and feel blessed. and use your strengths to help in the learning of the inapts. and be thankful of. the fact of realisation and a deeper sense in a way, i cannot be without my faith ahaha. and my God. one of the toughest years in this handful of years i feel. but i'm glad i came out of it.
to all of you out there, have a blessed 2008, that you all will be blessed with good health, with love, peace, joy and hope in every single day of your life. No matter what challenges may come what may, hold on. and when you feel the entire world's falling. no one's loving, no ones listening, Jesus loves you. =) God bless and have a great year ahead + dreams come true. heh heh.oh i love this one taken of my da jie. ^ yes yes me and my ideas with street photography. feels mv like? that's the whole idea ahaha. =D niteys people. first day of work of the year.