"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, January 4

its back to skool today again and its like. whoot. projects deadlines are coming. arhhar. times you feel its bugging you quite a tad bit. but i suppose i'll just have to take a little step at a time. one thing at a time and i guess eventually it'll all round up well, and this semester will be another semester. thinking bout what's coming up can be pretty freaky at all these projects but arhhaar. burn ur weekends! arhahar. more like saturdays. but arh. i just remembered uncle stevens "worship practice" arharhar. ok. =)

the thought of sOo many things to do at such a little time. arharhar. times i feel like to give it all up. arhrahar. but nar, dat's soOo unlike Joyce. Sitting back and "observing" all the "what ifs"? arhhaar. i'm lame. but yeah, that's what I did for a tad while. I somehow got this voice that struck me, someone telling me "hmm. is there anyways I can help you?.. I help you do ... or i help you do that lar.. then like that easier for you right.." arharhar. i dunnoe! it just rang out of my head. arhahar. and then i tried to identify who said that to me. ahrhar. its him again. awWw. arhahar. I still can remember that time. in times of this, isn't it nice to hear someone willing to share your load and lessen some load off your shoulders? Sweet talk and "psycho" you, give you the confidence and faith to do to the things that you do. times i feel i lost the old me sometimes. aharhar. the "iron will" to go do the things i set out to do. arhhar. it somehow. i think depleted? or just maybe i've changed. arhahar. sounds seemingly a tad different from the time i was. arharhar. [somethings wrong with me!] arharhar. oh well. its just hmm. thoughts!

arhahrar. gotta start kicking things off and immersing myself in work! Now you know what it means to go against time. arhhar. staring at this piggy soft toy that Jojo omma bought for me. its staring at me with those cute dovey looks. arharhar. sitting on top of the speakers beside my comp. [**psst. its watching you!!*] arhahar. told her that at least there's something looking at me I'll get motivated to go do the things i'm supposed to do, and she giggled it off. arhrahar. and she got me a toy. cause i was sharing her bout Pooh bear sitting in front of me when I mug my papers. [he's great to sleep on] arharhar.

Alritey, go get some work done. and figure out some diagrams. like SAND is all about "GO FIGURE" arhahar. wonder what Grace is teaching and try to make sense out of it all and do something. its the hardeest project to do. arharhar. You've never been that lost, it beats EBM. arhahar. it just keeps getting better eh? And spent some time with God. He made this great beautiful morning sky in the morning while I was travelling on the bus on the ECP. Whoot. rocks. and the sun beaming down its rays into the bus or at my face. arharhar. [basking in the sun?] arhhar. it was great to see the clouds and everything the cars. the roads. the lampposts. arhharar. after missing a week out of action away from school from the holidays. heh. may tomorrow be a better day! [it should be since its a lecture day]

Ouh yeah. i gotta tell this FREAK Indian guy. its the funniest thing to have happened to me on the bus. I didn't know when the time he sat next to me cause i was fast asleep on my way home on the bus. he sits and reads the papers and i opened my eyes to find this guy seated beside me? reading his Tamil Murasu papers. The weirdest part is that the entire bus is pretty empty, there were plenty of seats around like, why can't you sit any other place, why beside my place? it got me pretty freaky, cause shorty he went to sleep and i was wide awake like o_0? i saw this uncle alighting and i guess uncle was thinking what i was thinking. he gave those suspicious glance at that weirdo and i was like "quick. now!!" said excuse me and got down and like, thank God he "allowed you to pass". arhahar. I got down at harborfront with the uncle and smiled at him, pretty thankful, arharhar. someone realised something! arhahar. actually all what that weirdo wanted was that very seat, on the left side, right at the back of the bus, where I was seatin. cause the moment i left, he sprawled all over on the seat and slept there. guess it's got sentimental value to him or something. thanks for freaking me out a tad bit.

Got mummy a blue bear!! arhahar. its a mobile accessory cause i was given one yesterday and she went "wei, since you got so many of these [mobile thingies] can you give me one?" arharhar. i was like "i don't have many you know", I didn't know what made her think the way but i felt bad, cause i got this new thingy to hang, soOo I got her one, since she wanted to have one. Stood super duper long at the store thinking what to get for her, and when i gave it to her, thank God she said "so cute." arhhar. soOo yeap. Mission accomplished as she kept telling me to "can you please hang it on my phone". arhahar. she's soOo cute. never seen mom getting cute over some BEAR. yeap, i lurve asking her for opinions on the bears i have and she went. "you every christmas also got alot of gifts hor". arharhar. actually also its not that many. arhahar. she's cute! anyways, i like to see her getting smiley over that blue bear. aharhar. actually getting that blue bear was "inspired" by Jojo omma once again. cause her son gave her this similar bear i got for mom for her and she liked it really much. arhhaar. figured mom might like that bear toOo. and true enough!! arhahar. maybe bears has got some magic with moms. its got to be that type! ahahar. signing off here. time to use my brains and think. arhaarh. its a nice nite. chill~!!! nitey.


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