Saturday, January 6
humm. yes its the new year and arhahar. somehow, recent weeks have been hectic. right up from the examinations period, then came slow. when the holidays came. yes fell sick and tried to catch up my breath with the christmas and the buildup to the new year.
the craziest new year i had so far. its been hell of something, trying to get a hold of this life arhahar. or probably, these weeks have just been running on my own. Hey Joyce, where's your faith. arhahar. so many things, like screwing up arhahar, mixing up dates that BAG graduation is made tomorrow. somehow. hopefully ok lar. then, when the entire holidays of 2 weeks ended, it was a decent one. i met.
- Little Joe (Flossie's Son) the most lovable and guai kid. one who don't own any gameboy, looks at the magazines but don't intends on having one. i think i will hong him arhahar. think bout my nephew. Jarrett. erh. cute, but arhhar. i'm biased =/ he likes hot wheels cars
- my best buddiez. (vanessa, ling li, janna, jin hui) wif Hwee Boon finally. OMG. finally. arhhar. AND WE WATCHED MY FAVOURITE. SCREAMS. *drum rolls* tony leung chao wei arhahar. course i'm currently obssessed with wu zheng yu aka Francis Ng. Cause the korean guys come in too, but somehow, lately i ain't got mood for anything else. apart from sleep. humm, music. taking pictures. somehow, forums haven't been sitting at my agenda. alittle different around here, but i'm hoping i'll get back up on the forums again. email inbox is my new friend overtaking the forums. arhhar. weird.- New year having sleep overs at my place with my 2 lovely cousins. chatting arhahar. man talking. we just have to come to a conclusion. arhhar. somehow. whoot. its a little troublesome having a partner.
- Whilst school was starting and it happens. as fast as it came, arhha. gone arhahar. don't know but arhahar. Francis Ng was the last time out. arhahar. you know what's the funny thing, arhhar. it felt funny the whole time, that someone appears. arhhar, as much as at times i'm hoping there's company beside me. but i know it wasn't it. maybe i'm hoping too much for someone to lift me up, apart from God. arhahar. feeling like i ran and ran and i ran. so far out, no one's there whilst i stop to catch my breath and stop and take a look at the scenery that was around me.
- i am stopping. stopping to catch my breath. stopping to sort some mind matters in my head. stop to pray about this coming new year. its been messy all cause i haven't been sorting out my mind and my heart. like a messy room. waiting to be cleared up and packed. old things goes, things that are worth keeping, is kept in boxes called memories.
- I thank God for Pei Lian and the people around me. arhahar. somehow, when u were there =) seriously felt like i was toying? somehow. don't know but its ok arhhar. sort these things out. messy messy mess.
- For Jayson, arhhaar. for the crazee sitting down random session at suntec arhhar. where we eat sushi and talk about what to do next. one of the other person who somehow keeps the dream in me alive, that i dare to dream somehow. and still am dreaming maybe one day i'll really get involved in more pictures.
- For Jojo omma, ahrhar for listening. that you understand or rather carry that bagful of baggages that i seem to have.
- For Darius, arhhaar thank you for all the emo songs. I'm looping Paper Boats still. For minding the little details. =) Give me a little time out here to sort myself out. its messy messy now.
- For everyone of you around, who had made a difference really in the days that got me by. Course for God that pulled me through and kept me safe arhhar till now =) its great cause when there's a voice inside of you calling you to do
- arhahar. i'll find my source of joy all over again arhahar. the bottomline. "even if the world falls on me, its You that i hold on to". arhhaar. mind you. its God arhhar. =) enough of all these nitty gritty issues, have a clear mind. arhahar. quietness at night to sort things out. =) i've been lacking in that.
- francis ng pictures when he's in town. its one for now. no time to play with more. its on my phone. i'll be back. too many happenings too little time to clear them out.