Wednesday, July 22
Ahh. Back finally from another trip to Thailand, where it has to be the coolest trip of experiencing God's tangible love and His awesome power revealed, where there is casting out of demons, healing the sick and just releasing God's love out to the many out there, who feels rejected or unworthy, God loves everyone of them and you.
It has been too awesome that I haven't had time to sit down and thank God and just rest in His presence to take in every part of what the 10 days have been. Maybe just today, later, I'll be having my chance.
Was supposed to be sending out resumes out again, but I ended up looking at all the pictures of Thailand once again on Facebook! Its been just such a great 10 days of living a time and culture so close to God, i'm just praying there's ability to bring back the same thing He does back onto this concrete jungle. Not impossible, just maybe harder. ahahah, but not impossible!
Its been back to back action, knowing the fact of being able to rest in the Lord's presence will be on top of the list today, and also, continue with that job searching.
I'm looping Soon on my playlist now. Its just an awesome day the Lord has made, I love rainy days for they bring forth the soft feel, and makes me get all reflective and comfortable all over.
"I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I'll see Him
There my soul with be satisfied
Soon and very soon "
Thank you to the awesome trippers who made it to Thailand, every day spent with each other has just been so encouraging. Walking together in this walk of faith and in the supernatural, is one of the greatest joy. =) For God who made His presence felt ahaha! And all the prayers and support from everyone else.
Thursday, July 9
Ah hah! Tired from my long haul walk yesterday from Beach Road down to Sim Lim Square. While I was walking, lugging the laptop at my back, walking onwards, it partially wet and windy yet hot from all the walking weather, i felt Him speak, "hey, you don't really get to do this often, do you?" And i smiled while i was walking, though complaining from time to time how hot it was, but i was had fun.
It was all gifts to people! Or least some form of act of love, ahahah! Deciding on which router, it was funny how long we haven't spoken to each other and hearing his voice was nice after a long time. But I think while watching Miu Kiu Wai's recent drama, I somehow had this feel that I've got a figure of who I do wanna spend my life with. (I think he'll be happy reading this)
And during these weeks of just communicating through texts messages, I realised that he is so far, the only guy who is able to make me think of him from time to time, and just smile, imagining his dorky smile. Our rides, sitting together just catching up and praying for each other, and sharing how usually the happenings of the week went.
Eating donuts on my own, makes me own this silly smile, listening to the House Soundtrack he found, sigh. I feel all warm and fuzzy like a teddy bear all over. I know he's someone I'll go to, air my grouses out when it comes, or when i do have random thoughts in my head, he'll be the one who will entertain them. ahaha and my silly ideas!
i'm just taking this phase one step at a time, enjoying the time of missing someone. It is actually a luxury, and i enjoy being in it LOL! So when we meet, the first embrace. Ahh. hahaha i feel the anticipation building up. And i'll remember all the sweet nonsensicals we do with our favourite teddies :) I miss his grebit act too. ahahah it makes me laugh like crap. =) yes, i miss you :) but i don't tell it out, cause i enjoy just doing it smirkishly at the privacy of my bedroom or in my head, whilst i go about travelling on a bus, staring out at the window!
Lets go nomnomnom when you're out again, and i'm back again!
Oh yes and the movies he will find when i name them, I've finished with Michael Clayton :) Yes George Clooney is so hot, and cute! Storyline's not too bad too, been having this urge to watch all these slightly deeper than usual storylines, that has a deeper meaning to it, probably cause i'm feeling that way too. I enjoy at times like these, when there's nothing else much for me to do, or life has been mundane, things like these perks my brains up to think and pay attention to more details and perspectives.
My late fettish of once again listening to Cantonese and reading chinese subtitles, its been awhile! guess i'll go guitar abit after watching Tommy Emmanuel on his Maton guitar, go attack Fly Me To The Moon! I'm dreaming of Macs and Martins falling from the skies, and I'm reminded of dear Rissa telling me, "Joyce, don't talk! ACTION" ahaha, she is quite a motivator really! LETS GET OUR MARTINS?