Saturday, February 26
I heard Ganpaps using this word today, and the word in itself, sparked a whole list of thoughts in my head - Relentless. Yes for He is relentless, His personality is, the way He works is, and His love is relentless. Just spent the Saturday resting cause I need it and cause my body tells me too, fighting another bout of incoming flu but this time round, I'm fighting it cause hello, I just had it two weeks ago and really don't want t go through another tissue stopping time.
Feeling better, rested and when your body is rested, my mind tends to get active and haha, I was thinking of my twin and as I open up the comp to just watch an episode of Athena, I was thinking of you. Yes you've not been yourself and I miss the times of random chitter chatters that we have that seems like every other thing but when it stops, I start to think what's going on because I know something's not right cause you've been awfully quiet and the replies that you give tells me enough, you're not yourself.
Wished I was online but I'm only one me and I am human haha. It was a great time at City Space with a intimate time out with En Min and Jacob and when I said intimate, it is purely only because it is where everyone can be themselves, are themselves and we share our stories and perhaps in that sense, dreams. Being with people and just having the luxury of ease that people can be unpretentious gets be at ease of themselves, is one of the greatest joys of being around people, and the only reason why I believe it is the beauty of what we can call a community of people who really do share their lives. I don't need the deepest end of things but when everyone gets real, and is real, the genuineness is just so precious, savored and enjoyed. You don't have to try too hard to put on a mask or defense because there really isn't any need to because they are both all so dear to me.
I realized at the end of the end of the day, perhaps what makes me charming and yet at the same time, demanding, is purely because of the value I place in being real or genuine. It becomes demanding to those who can't be real or be themselves because I realized, I'm ok with anything, our failures, pasts, sins, but totally not okay when we have to pretend we're okay when I know we're not.
And perhaps that is why I realize it can be demanding but yet at the same time, to realize that it is okay to not be okay if we can be okay with it and do something in order to be okay about it. Cool, but yeah, so we all can be truthful and share what is really bothering us deep down, share our struggles, be real, do something about it and pray for each other. Somehow, someway, we'll fall short but we're all in the making.